Yeah, the TV show was filled with such heroic nonsense.
Yeah, the TV show was filled with such heroic nonsense.
How dare you use a picture of Bayformers Optimus Prime! How dare you indeed, sir! #NotMyOptimus
Yes. Only the top 20 or so picks get full guarantees across all four years of their rookie deals. What a devastating precedent it might set if teams had to pay what amounts to a rounding error for a mistake at the top of the first round on a pick with no bargaining power on an artificially reduced salary. That…
God yes. More Cowboys trash fire, please. sustains me.
American here, so I feel I am better positioned to analyze the idiocy going on down here than you are. It’s not really an “American Dream” or “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” thing, at least not literally. The vast majority of MAGA hat wearers who vote against their own interest (and whose families probably…
Colin Kaepernick is not on an NFL roster.
Civil at all costs.
Counterpoint: Fuck the Patriots.
Trump handing $12 billion of taxpayers money over to help farmers affected by Trump’s derelict tariffs IS SOCIALISM AND WELFARE.
They're all Christians and don't believe in premarital sex, so what's the big deal? Go to Bible studies and take cold showers.
Having a hard time getting screwed? Wait until all y’all try and find jobs after Trump leaves Washington to live in opulent luxury. You’ll be screwed then.
“Fearing Democrats would find a way around this Catch 22 of consequences and come out on top, [Paul] Ryan has scrapped it.”
Won’t somebody think of the man-children and their mini-helmets?!?
Imagine being an adult and being mad that you didn’t get an Ezekiel Elliot autograph at a fantasy football convention.
Centrism = how do I get myself elected because I have no stance on anything
Did he say he’s not sure that his dad knows he’s a virgin? Is telling your dad you’re fucking a thing people do?! I mean, my parents and I were fairly open but I don’t think I ever had a direct conversation of like, “I finally had the sex with a real person, dad!”
Hard to say who has more balls though.
Wow you guys, this is really going too far. Can't a guy unravel the fabric of a democracy and enable human rights abuses in peace? - Centrists
Nah, my hate for Fallon still goes back to having as long a career as he did on SNL and not being to get through a single sketch without breaking out into a baby-faced giggle until, ultimately, that became his lazy go-to for easy sympathy laughs.
fuck you we’re taking your guns