The Molten Dream of Justice

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If they make the libturds mad, all is good.

This is hard to watch. I'm not even going to watch the rest of it, because I can't stand this smarmy fuck of an empty suit. Really? Your defense of the president's shit reaction to Charlottesville is basically that he's still campaigning, and therefore fuck the part of the country that doesn't vote for him? Fuck off.

They're still doing this? The Trip was only sort of funny at parts. Not sure how it justified a sequel, let alone a trilogy.

It could mean something. It could also just be that their world has been chaotic and violent for a long time, and pretty much every character has had at least a passing brush with death.

So, that witch in the woods outside Casterly Rock was pretty accurate about Cersei's fate so far. She never said anything about a fourth child, which is why I'm calling bullshit on this pregnancy. Cersei saw Jaime's wavering confidence on the military front, and this is a way to ensure his enduring loyalty.

I've also been waiting for someone to tell Tyrion to stop being such a hypocrite about the use of fire in warfare. Does he not remember that time he, you know, zealously blasted half a fleet with wildfire and then wouldn't stop bragging about how he saved the city?

I suspect that, whatever Littlefinger's plans are for Sansa, Arya's presence by her side is seen as an obstacle. So if he can alienate her and possibly get her to leave Winterfell, that's all to the good. I think Littlefinger also correctly figures that Arya is someone who could straight-up murder him, so he probably

He did warn him not to use his real name. Gendry isn't known for his smarts.

How dare a fantasy series stray from real-life weapon sizes!

For real. They didn't even ask him who cured him. For all they know, he could have been cured by Qyburn and turned to Cersei for saving his life. I think the viewers can see by now that he's fully devoted to Dany, but Dany can't know that, and she's being weirdly welcoming and trusting.

Almost felt like a nod to the table-setting nature of the episode. Everything that happened in the episode was about getting these guys to Eastwatch for whatever comes next. While it doesn't seem like the most accurate of titles, it's hard to think of a better one.

Wasn't it Yoren, the badass recruiter guy?

Actually, a Cleganebowl after they've both been changed into different types of undead would be fucking amazing. Maybe the Hound could get a Coldhands type of thing going where he still retains some humanity.

He fell down a well and nobody cares enough to fish him out.

It brings up an interesting point, though, which is that Asian-Americans are often considered "white," depending on what social groups they find themselves in. White being a social construct and not an ethnicity, after all. I have to admit, when the characters first showed up, I thought, "Oh, two white girls." And

I haaaated Chad when he was first introduced, as he seemed like the exact type of personality I avoid interacting with. But the actor clearly has so much fun playing him and makes him sympathetic even though he's a huge douchebro. He's now 2nd behind Kelli for Favorite Minor Character.

Trader Joe's really is bullshit in every way. This shouldn't be news to anyone.

Trump himself would let Melisandre burn Barron at the stake if he thought it would help make him emperor for life. The kid's dad is Trump; his life is already boned. I don't see how one comedian's quip (in a sea of dumb quips and statements that washes over the face of the Internet every second of ever day) could

This is practically a sport for tasteless conservatives. "Ooh, ooh, I say terrible shit all the time, but now I just caught you saying something sort of bad, so I'm going to milk it for all it's worth in a way-over-the-top fashion because I'm not self-aware enough to recognize when I'm projecting!"

Excellent insight. However, I wonder how many alt-right fuckbois picked up on that. Probably zero.