The Molten Dream of Justice

Smash cut to credits and "Great Balls of Fire."

If I can't go on the Internet and exaggerate wildly in order to argue a dumb point, then what is the Internet even for?

In 10th grade we convinced our Social Studies teacher to let us watch Bio-Dome, and we were sure she'd decide to turn it off after she'd seen enough inappropriateness. It was coming to the, "You fucked President Clinton?" line, and I figured that would be the moment she pulls the plug, but instead she laughed out loud

Because we live in a time when no matter who gets elected, half the country would like to do harm to that person's family.

Define "this." If "this" is in any way comparable to what Trump is doing, great. If not, congrats, another false equivalence from the masters of whataboutery.

We've long had a problem (shit, going back to Washington, pretty much) with treating our presidents like kings or demigods rather than public servants, and now Trump is taking full advantage of that. I mean, Trump has proven how ineffectual and politically isolated a POTUS can actually be, and we still hang on his

It would be helpful if the show hadn't already done so much "You better burn the dead!" fearmongering whenever anyone dies under any circumstances north of the Wall. I can buy the idea that only WWs can turn corpses to wights, but like so many other things on this show, the writers haven't been clear or consistent

I mean, I'd applaud that. I can only take so many "Littlefinger watches from the shadows with a shit-grin spreading across his face" scenes. Just kill him already.

I'm actually kind of mad that the operation succeeded. They got off easy with the loss of just one dragon and a few no-name extras.

I recently started watching Luther, and I was really disappointed with the first couple episodes, because I was like, "This is a British show. Isn't it supposed to be smart and classy?" But after I decided that, no, it's just a dumb show with absurd plot devices and cliches, I've really started to enjoy it.

I feel like that zombie bear attack should have looked cooler, but they were forced to obscure a lot of the bear's action in a snowy haze in order to make the CGI easier.

I gotta admit I'm kind of lost as far as how the face changing stuff works. Does one have to actually "own" the face in order to change into it? I don't think the rules, if there are any, have ever been clearly explained or consistently followed.

Let it be said that The Onion and Clickhole have amassed, in a brief period of time, a solid collection of Bannon pieces that nearly rivals the character Diamond Joe. I'll be sad to see them stop.

Yeah, boo fucking hoo, Steve. The adults in the room stopped you from pushing through your simple-minded populist agenda that would have crippled the economy and deepened cultural divides. Them's the breaks, dicknose.

Hot take: He's too fat to have hair that long.

I hate when otherwise decent Trump voters justify their vote with, "Well, look at all these judges we're getting," as if Hillary would have nominated goddamn Seth Rogen or someone to the Supreme Court and he would have gotten voted through immediately. I know that the judiciary is a major political battlefield and

I'm bothered by it too, but not because it's libelous (I think something has to be somewhat believable in order to be libel). I'm bothered by it because it's lazy. There's a million things of substance that a headline about Bannon could include, but we're going with a reference to some super immature shit that a

I miss the days when our biggest worry was that the president might be a Russian agent.

My dad who has never lived anywhere but Minnesota says, "Git 'r done," all the time. He's always telling me to git something done, even mundane things like going to visit my grandma.

I can vouch for his George Lopez anecdote. I'm from MN but have been living on the East Coast a while, lost quite a bit of my accent over the years, but as soon as I get back home, I'm all, "Oh ya da Wild'r lookin pretty good dis yer."