The Molten Dream of Justice

Right? I'm confused by the "forgettable" tag. She performed a 2009 song at the 2017 Super Bowl. People weren't like, "What the fuck is this song?" People are gonna be singing her songs at karaoke decades from now the way they sing '70s and '80s songs now.

Who the hell is singing in that Garth Brooks YouTube video? It is not Garth Brooks.

I like morning flights and morning dumps. The conflict gets pretty heated from time to time. Add to that the fact that the most readily available airport breakfast is often a McGriddle.

Probably didn't have to kick him off, and it's especially poor optics with United still in the news cycle. But if we're already taxied and ready to go, there's no way I'm trying to go to the bathroom. And if it's really an emergency, I'd flag down a flight attendant to let them know. It's a giant tube flying through

Tuan seems like he got into Soviet espionage only sort of because of the Vietnam War but mostly because he's a psychopath. The red flags have been piling up all season. He's a liability.

Luckily all the people in that museum were hypnotized by those glorious wooden ship models, so they didn't notice a thing. Great choice of venue, boys!

I love Deirdre, and I hope she lets Gus back into her life of nothing but spreadsheets and bangin'.

Dru Hill is still doing shows. I saw them in Baltimore a few years ago. It was aight.

It's easier for Boomer tourist couples to agree on a crowd-pleaser like Billy Joel than to bicker over whether to see Wicked or a Rangers game.

TV pundits - right, left, middle, whatever - are fucking terrible. It's really a shame that so many people are, at best, entertained by them or, at worst, heavily influenced by them.

They're busy stealing a sample that will allow their country's shitty crops to improve. They know what the situation is in Russia, and they know that the "posters" depict the opposite, and so pointing that out annoys Elizabeth, I think.

Phillip: "I feel like one of the guys in the posters."
Elizabeth: [slightly disgusted stare]

Killing people is indeed heavy, my friend.

I have a Chrome extension that replaces all instances of the word "hate" with "love" and replaces all pictures of edgy comedians with pictures of dildos.

For real, though…poor kids.

I was skeptical has hell about a U2 feature, but it works!

I was walking past an open door where some restaurant cooks were having a smoke break, and just the line "Ooh that pussy good, won't you sit it on my taste buds" blared out at me. Taken out of context, it's pretty gross. Hell, even in context…


I seem to remember coming across one of these Baltimore (on Pratt St. maybe?). I just assumed it was a random Baltimore weirdo. Had no idea it was such a widespread thing.

Well, fuck me for thinking this story might involve something more than one dude's offhand remarks about another dude's offhand remarks.