fuckin' NOPE
fuckin' NOPE
I can't help but wonder what amount of the trashing of this guy's lyrics has to do with his persona. If you take these lyrics out of the context of a privileged, dickish provocateur, and into the context of, say, a Bruce Springsteen type character, would the backlash be as harsh as it is?
I feel an equal pull to both listen to it repeatedly and to never listen to it again. That's how good it is.
Gen-Xers? Watching his specials, I see that most of his audience is Millennial.
What if I say that George Carlin is overrated? Do I win "Edgiest Contrarian of the Week"?
God forbid people are actually forced to pay a whole 34 cents per day for new music. The tone of this newswire suggests that this shit should just be free, because…the internet?
I saw it as a stress vomit. Losing her only lifeline while barely clinging to sobriety must be pretty hard on the system. That said, she definitely could be pregnant. Adam doesn't strike me as the most careful fellow. It would be a dumb story twist, though.
I could see Hannah having an ironic "I know this is lame but I'm doing it anyway in my own quirky style" baby shower, and she'll invite Shosh and Marnie, and Jessa will crash it, and it'll be a whole thing.
Yeah, I was waiting for someone to show up and say, "You know, gentrification isn't an inherently bad thing. Neighborhoods change, oftentimes for the better, and displacement is a necessary byproduct of that, and you hipsters are being pretty clueless about this shit." But that person never came along.
But NYC bodegas really aren't like "convenience stores" exactly. They're their own thing, which is why they have their own word. In NYC, I'd consider a 7-Eleven or CVS or Duane Reade to be a convenience store. Those are corporate chains with predictable items, whereas bodegas are independent shops with their own…
That was probably human history's most emotionally laden utterance of, "Good soup."
Buddy Garrity, Lemon Breeland, Michael Sheen's character in Midnight in Paris, Lysa Arryn.
As you note, he would have been a good IJR back in the day. Who do you think would be good if they filmed it now? As much as I hate him, I can't think of anyone better than Josh Gad. He's got the "unlikable and portly" thing down.
Man, I miss Letterman.
I would be happy if the writers would just give their own posts a once-over before submitting them. The set/seat thing isn't super egregious, but I've seen posts on this site with just an embarrassing amount of glaring errors (and honestly kind of shitty/confusing flow and style). I think we've entered an era where…
Yeah, man. I wish these people who spent millions creating a product would just chill and not care about marketing it to consumers. Ugh.
It's pretty cool that you don't have to waste time copy/pasting things. It seems like boilerplate edgelord rubbish pours out of you automatically. Neat!
Richard seems like a very kind man. You know how I know? He has nothing but praise for "Desperate Escape" AKA "Dismal." That trailer…wow…
The captioner always has the video, only sometimes has the script. It's definitely possible that the gunshot caption was a case of misheard sound. I've never worked on any HBO stuff, so I have no idea what their quality control process is like. I'd be very surprised if there was only one set of eyes/ears on the…