I took it as Celeste being overcome and collapsing from the weight of all the emotions she's been carrying through all of this abuse now that she's so close to escaping it (but escaping into a world of uncertainty and difficulty).
I took it as Celeste being overcome and collapsing from the weight of all the emotions she's been carrying through all of this abuse now that she's so close to escaping it (but escaping into a world of uncertainty and difficulty).
Wow. This episode was not kind to the state of New Jersey.
The Human Fund: People Helping People
I really hope the media doesn't take this and run with it. It's directly in Trump's skeevy self-promoting-while-pretending-to-be-charitable wheelhouse. Just ignore this shit.
Do people still watch this? I haven't paid attention in years. I assumed they were giving awards for best street tacos and best photo collage app by now.
I find it hard to laugh at this shit anymore.
The pink hats became a sort of symbol for participants in the Women's Marches, though some participants saw them as representing the less serious and more image-conscious aspects of feminism. And yes, I am mansplaining here. Someone else might have a better summation of the pink hats for you.
There's some stealth media criticism in the Animal Pornographer sketch. It's a silly version of what happens every day on CNN, FOX, and other 24-hour news channels with their pull-quote graphics that spin events in real-time so that a non-hearing viewer gets a totally different sense of events than a hearing viewer…
Fuckin' A, Perry. Thanks for ruining "Harvest Moon" for my wife and me forever.
Jessa and Adam die horribly in a fiery free-basing mishap; Ray becomes a teacher at an impoverished high school and spends all day telling the students he's not actually Jewish, he's Greek Orthodox; Shosh becomes an apartment broker, tries to help Ray find a new apartment but Ray thinks brokers are bullshit and says…
Well, I don't know. The alternative is to know that he's lying daily and that his supporters are absorbing it like gospel, and to just let it go without comment or rebuttal. That doesn't seem right.
There's no strategy. These are the best minds this intellectually and morally bankrupt posse has to offer.
"In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. And then the murders began."
I'm still undecided about whether he's a genius or a fraud. He's probably both. In any case, he's clearly very divisive, which is what you want in your artists. Universal acclaim and universal hate are boring.
She definitely has more experience running operations that actually help people other than herself. I think you're taking a small angle of this and running it to an extreme.
For real. When I started reading it, I was like, "Okay, yeah, another bullshit non-apology." But he really seems to be doing some self-reflecting here. I hope he follows through and gets his personal shit together.
Damn. That is simply not a fair wage for that type of work.
Hey, it's pretty cool to work for a company where the pleebs can have one-to-one conversations with the CEO. You don't see Sundar Pichai personally chastising the Mountain View shuttle drivers. They only wish they could get that sort of attention from the execs.
*runs hand through hair
*sighs again
What does this have to do with Trump blaming Obama for everything?