What does this have to do with Trump blaming Obama for everything?
What does this have to do with Trump blaming Obama for everything?
What does this have to do with Trump blaming Obama for everything?
What does this have to do with Trump blaming Obama for everything?
All this stuff probably sounds a lot more artful and subtle when Bannon is whispering it into his ear.
I love how these people are great defenders of LGBT and Jews as long as it's in service of spreading Muslim-hate. Ask them on another day, and the gays and Jews are also trying to take over small-town America.
I feel like Bannon is Skeletor, and whenever one of his henchmen slips up and says something nice about He-Man or Teela, he's like, "You boobs! You work for me!"
Not that I'm actively seeking out info on what other people are following so that I can judge them. But when people say to me, "Have you heard of this Fat Jew guy? You should check it out; it's hilarious," I become disappointed, and I shrink away into the night.
I absolutely judge people who follow the Fat Jew on Instagram. I make no apologies.
I guess we all kind of feel the way we felt watching Tom Brady lead that overtime drive in the Super Bowl. Sure, they hadn't scored yet, but we knew it was inevitable, and so we screamed at the TV: "Why isn't anyone fucking doing something about this??!!"
Technically entertainment, but we can curse here, so it's a good place to vent.
I think it's possible that someone following the fascist pattern actually believes in their heart and mind that THE OTHER GUYS are the real fascists and that they're a hero for finally standing up to them, which justifies behaving like a fascist. Yeah, it's a circle-jerk mind-fuck every day, but that's America now.
This might be the saddest comment I've seen on AVC, and that's saying something.
I'll take "Something an Aspiring Nazi Might Say" for $500, Alex.
"biased, vindictive, hypocritical, and nearly criminal…"
What's more insulting is that Spicer tied marijuana to the opioid crisis without citing any evidence that relaxed weed enforcement has anything to do with opioid addiction. Make no mistake, this harkens back to the 1920s when the government starting criminalizing substances that were popular with blacks so that they…
I don't know if there's anyone currently on the planet who more deserves a slimy cockslap across the jowl.
I think he has a brain disease where he's incapable of talking about himself in anything but superlative terms or talking about his opponents in anything but the most drastically negative terms. It plays well with people who stopped learning at age 12.
No! The world demands more wispy frog-throated enchantresses!
This show is so good at inventing absurd two-word terms: yuck puddle, rum ham, kitten mittens, day man, night man, bird law, liberal biblicisms. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
This is the only way I can watch video footage of Trump speaking.