A lot of memorable lines in this ep, but my favorite is: "He looks like someone in the Pacific Northwest knit a man."
A lot of memorable lines in this ep, but my favorite is: "He looks like someone in the Pacific Northwest knit a man."
I admit my perception could be colored by the fact that most Trump voters I encounter are the ones ranting on social media. However, I was recently in Arizona and heard plenty of IRL paranoid ranting about Muslims taking over the country. I'm also from the Midwest, and a lot of the Trump voters from my hometown and my…
Yep, this is all exactly the same.
Trump shits all over any bad press, then is appalled when the media tilts its coverage against him.
"a lot of them."
I'll come right out and say it: a lot of them are mentally troubled in one way or another. Not saying that to delegitimize their wants and needs and rights as citizens. I've just observed that many of them seem to suffer from depression, chemical dependency, paranoid delusions, ADHD, etc. And of course, if the GOP has…
All these special little snowflakes needing someone to point out to them what is reporting and what is opinion. Sad!
People sat around in a room and came up with this. Jesus Christ, it's like the Insecurity Olympics.
America is the WWE of countries right now.
Look up Gabriele D'Annunzio. That explains what this Milo twat is up to.
When I listen to his songs, the thing that comes to mind is the Dude saying to Walter, "You're not wrong; you're just an asshole."
Don't apologize for your feelings! The first line of that song is a gut-punch.
I love Fleet Foxes. I can imagine that someone who has come to them just recently, after their influence can now be heard in countless watered-down ripoff groups, probably lumps them in with all that lame shit. To me, they're the gold standard of their sub-genre, so I'll continue to love them.
Why is the tone of this post so goddamn salty? AVC needs a 6-week training course in proper snark for new writers.
Putin has become far more popular among conservative Americans since Trump's rise. The public statements are part of the game; it's hearts and minds.
I'm actually more upset with non-voters. Say what you will about the tenets of Trumpism; at least it's an ethos.
Yeah, this is one of those things where Trump accidentally seems to make a good point, but in the service of some other dumb, petty point. His one constant in an otherwise changeable worldview is that he must defend/downplay Putin's deeds at every turn. That's why you have him stumbling into a point about colonial…
Trump and his inner circle are calling the media "the opposition party," with no hint of humor. Trump's whole M.O. has been a steadily escalating campaign against the free press. Trust me, I really hope I'm not right about this, but if you look at the totalitarian paths of other nations in both long-ago and recent…
My opinion of CNN really took a nosedive during the past few years, but I must say they're slowly winning me back. I still have to laugh at their giant fonts and sensational headline phrasing, but at least they aren't backing down.
Anyone want to start a pool to predict which major news organization will be the first to see its leaders arrested and charged with crimes against the state, and when?