"Of course she's writing a book about Mexican gang members!"
"Of course she's writing a book about Mexican gang members!"
Really, I don't know how/when to start unifying in a meaningful way. And it's tragic, because we have the benefit of hindsight and history to show us exactly how this shit plays out, but we're powerless to stop it. I guess I can only assume it'll get worse before it gets better. I do believe it'll help to focus on the…
I'm kind of over this whole "the other side are dumb assholes" thing. A divided populace makes authoritarianism and corruption too easy. Honestly, at this point, I'm okay with people generally not liking Middle Eastern people as long as they at least agree with me that suddenly banning them without consulting anyone…
He actually gave a pretty raw, intense performance in an episode of Louie. He also popped up in an episode of Million Dollar Listing, which was weird and sad.
Why is it that when someone uses the term "politically correct," the next ideas out of their mouth are complete garbage? That is some crusty-ass anti-miscegenation he's trotting out there, even if it's in the service of making a different point (which also falls flat, by the way).
This bleak-ass shit sounds like my jam.
needs more "libtard" and "FAKE NEWS"
I only made it one joke in. I have other things to accomplish today, like staring agape in horror as American democracy surrenders itself to villainous authoritarians.
Breaking: we ran into this dude at a party, and we thought you might like to know about it.
To paraphrase an episode of Flight of the Conchords that just happens to guest-star Aziz, "He's not being racist; he's being xenophobic."
Yo, they don't have to be fair.
Being against Trump is normal, and it's fine to expose kids to ideas that will help them view Trumpism as the scourge that it is. Burning stuff isn't cool and shouldn't be encouraged.
She didn't stab anyone, so I call that classy given the circumstances. Trump's voters have passed around racist fake stories about Michelle being the leader of Boko Haram and Barack being a secret Muslim traitor, and Trump has done nothing to dissuade such nonsense; in fact, by hiring Bannon, he's encouraged it. I'm…
Bannon is watching the anarchists break windows in downtown DC and wishing he could join them instead. They're more his style.
In fairness, I doubt any new president would leave the old administration's initiatives on the official website, since they're not his initiatives. Trump's supporters would be appalled to open whitehouse.gov and find a bunch of stuff about gay rights and equal pay for women there. The website is theirs now; we'll take…
Having lived in DC for a while, the whole Real America versus Washington thing is just fucking absurd. The people who live and work in DC come from all over the country, many of them from the Midwest and South. There are some wealthy, out-of-touch fraternity bro type douches there, for sure, but you can find those…
Naw. It'll be one of the Senators who are currently grubbing for the spotlight in the cabinet hearings (not that they don't have good intentions, but it's pretty clear what they're doing). Gov. Cuomo will probably throw his hat in the ring, judging by his recent headline-grabbing left-friendly moves. Primaries will be…
Slightly humorous, but I'm mostly wondering what kind of asshat parents get their child involved in anarchic rebellion and fill his head with the most extreme, simplistic ideology. We were all horrified watching "Jesus Camp," and this is just another brand of the same nutty indoctrination (I know i'm assuming a lot…
Good thing it'll be streaming on Netflix, because that title wouldn't fit on a Blu-ray case.