Netflix's synopses are so bad. If they weren't clearly so lazy, I'd think they're trying to purposefully mislead.
Netflix's synopses are so bad. If they weren't clearly so lazy, I'd think they're trying to purposefully mislead.
Interesting to note that these aren't young, hip celebrities trying to attach their names to the latest cause. These are old-timers who were around when protest was a real fucking gamble and there were real outcomes, both good and bad. Mock it all you want, but I don't see this as pure vanity. Us youngins can learn…
Is this a parody? We're still the majority, dickweed.
It's a funny thing. I look at a lot of the discourse on the left about Trump-Putin and Pee-Gate and all that, and I see a lot of non-serious jokes and memes and not many people who are in full-on conspiracy theory mode. But then I wonder if a lot of the Obama-Muslim stuff was also meant in a humorous or non-serious…
The necessary momentum to topple Romania's Soviet-era dictator was sparked when basically the whole city of Bucharest showed up to one of his big speeches and collectively booed him. Large groups of people working in harmony can have weird, scary power.
I went to Obama's last inauguration. It's difficult even for supporters to get anywhere near the actual speaking area. The movement of people is very tightly controlled. Remember pre-9/11 when protesters could hurl eggs at GWB's motorcade? Those days are long ago.
Gonna be a lot of jobs created in order to build those separate bathrooms, schools, and buses. WINNING.
And this was the "authentic" candidate.
Assault? Probably. But on rare occasions, such as this one, assault is fucking excellent.
"…a moniker that’s presumably already been repurposed to describe the exact point where the taint meets the anus."
Sorry, I didn't realize that there was a subculture of people who get really worked up by jokes about the imitation of professional wrestlers. Jesus, people.
Dude was responsible for a lot of injuries resulting from boys trying to jump on each other from the tops of sheds, garages, and other tall-ish structures.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people act like a certain food is going to make them ill just because it comes from an Eastern culture. No one ever says, "Man, don't come around my bathroom after I've had some French food."
Before I was of drinking age, I thought that funeral drinking was tasteless and crude. But now I'm like, yeah, of course we're getting drunk. Funerals are like family holidays except more awkward and stressful.
Trump's favorite shower beer is Mich Golden.
If Season Two is half as exciting as following Big Bud and Little Bud across Italy via Instagram, it'll be fantastic.
Boom Clap is such a crazy earworm, and unlike Party Rock Anthem, I don't mind having it stuck in my head for days at a time.
Unnecessary shade thrown at Grizzly Bear's Shields. I thought it was a solid album and further growth of their sound.
But using Twitter is a decision. He's decided that Twitter is the best way for him to circumvent journalists, intimidate his enemies, and rally his core base of cult members. He's not just wasting time with childish Twitter tantrums, as much as we want to paint it that way.