The Molten Dream of Justice

Exactly this. I'm automatically suspicious of any gleeful pile-on where people pop out of the Internet woodwork to shit on someone for any slightly unorthodox move. I'm pretty sure I would not enjoy hanging out with Lena, and I probably don't agree with her on a lot of things, but seeing all these crude and vicious

Haha, yeah, artists are worthless and their spawn are automatically terrible! High five! Good times in Trump's America!

Haha, yeah, artists are worthless and their spawn are automatically terrible! High five! Good times in Trump's America!

Sometimes I get confused between conservatives on message boards and conservatives IRL, the latter being more likely to avoid talking about Trump altogether. It's been one of those days where I'm trying to convince conservatives on message boards that they won't be living under sharia next Thursday, so my view might

Do you think when Trump goes off on one of his ridiculously petty and error-filled Twitter rants, conservatives are sitting around fretting about how bad he makes them look or about the fodder he's supplying to the opposition? No, they are not. And they don't fret about Ann Coulter or Limbaugh or Alex Jones or anyone.

You can't just throw that kind of shade and then ghost!

I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars bus driver poet films.

I just got Dunham'd.

I'm referring to the way the writer spun off into a personal diatribe that seemed to take this piece away from "newswire" material and into something that would be more appropriate for a Facebook post.

Nothing like a good anti-Dunham rager. Hate, hate, hate, hate!

Eh…at least she's trying.

Psst…you're trying to argue with either a troll-bot or a 13-year-old who just found a thesaurus.

Do they just let you guys post anything to Newswire?

For real. In the '50s, there were like three pop stars, and none of them were going to make it to the Internet Age anyway because of pills and shoddy private aircrafts and such. '60s and '70s saw an explosion of the popular music universe, and a whole lot of mythologized nostalgia has remained from that big bang. So

It's kind of hard for me to be too saddened by Bowie's death. It's sad for his loved ones and all, but, man, he went out like an absolute boss. He went out as the only member of that generation of rock stars whose present-day work isn't at least slightly embarrassing. Not only that, his most recent work was a

I might want to watch this, but I don't have time. I think I'll just YouTube the clip of Dee taking a header into a parked car 20 times in a row.

I know some people have complained about the music for this show, but I goddamn loved it. I actually believe Radiohead wrote and recorded Exit Music (For a Film) so that it could one day be used in this episode.

Yeah, couldn't just be Putin and his boys doing exactly what they've been doing and promising to do for years. Get your head out of the conspiracy theories and read an actual fucking book.

More accurately, he refuses to read anything besides Hitler's speeches.

The first thing I ever saw him in was "Drowning Mona," which is a great absurd dark comedy.