The Molten Dream of Justice

It seemed to have more to do with the movie "Brooklyn." In actual Brooklyn bars, everyone's an asshole and nobody gets stabbed even if you want them to.

Really nobody comes out looking great from this whole thing. Swinton's horror at being "caught on the wrong side of this debate" results from a clueless and detached position of privilege. And Cho does what a lot of stand-up comedians do: gossip and frame every interaction and issue as "material." There's an

Somewhere in the first couple episodes it was explained that the hosts talk to each other as a way of "practicing" and honing their AI. I think either Ford or Bernard mentioned it.

I'm guessing you came to the conclusion that the soul/consciousness is an illusion after you'd been in the world for a while and learned some things, and I doubt you decided to start being cold and shitty to people after you reached that conclusion, so no, you're not a monster for believing that. Now, if we raised

I'm starting to think this Trump guy has a problem in his brain.

"Our children see these cups. OUR CHILDREN!" Meanwhile, they're dragging their dead-eyed little mongrels into McDonalds and shoving grease globules into their face holes.

"Something isn't happening, and here's a clubfooted headline informing you of said non-event."

While reading Sowell's "Race and Culture," I had to keep flipping back to his bio picture, because he often sounds like an intellectual white supremacist. I don't see a lot of non-whites "fawning" over him, either.

For me, the defining mark of quality in 'Between the World and Me' was that it made my white liberal ass uncomfortable. I, too, didn't agree with all of it, but it wouldn't be a great book if I did. Looking forward to reading this Obama piece.

A bit behind, so this request won't matter much, but it would be cool if the reviewer did a soundtrack note under Stray Observations, kind of like the Americans reviews. Each episode features one or two contemporary songs on the player piano, and it's fun to play name-that-tune. The song playing in this ep before

I mean, I get what you're going for here, but this is really not tasteful.

Related: Moose Drool could be the best beer on the planet, but I would never know because I refuse to drink something called Moose Drool.

I hate to be that guy, but…

Our culture is broken and needs a complete overhaul.

As evidenced by this newswire, KFC's marketing has been confusing as shit lately, and it's done nothing to convince me that their food is edible.

No tribe?

It would actually make me very happy if they did some re-shoots with Trump in mind. Artists need to keep standing up, especially those making super popular products.

Oh hell yeah. This totally conviscerates my flagellating biblioscanned retinal daydreams.

I do not support this.

Where is 'Fences'???