The Molten Dream of Justice

I'm loving the player piano selections, like Black Hole Sun in ep. one.

the finest of fineries!

I hope it's like a fast-food menu where I can just point to a picture of it and nod my head.

Yup. But mention any of this stuff to Middle America, and suddenly you're the "real racist" for playing "identity politics." Fuck all that.

One of those not-so-anonymous online assholes is none other than the son of incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Used to live up the street. It was the go-to spot. The management and staff are super cool. This shit absolutely boils my blood. I really fear that we're fucked if we've collectively lost our grip on which stories are legit, which sources are reliable, and simply what's within the realm of realism. Our incoming

Conway put in hard, hard working operating the denial-and-spin machine for the most toxic, damaging presidential campaign in modern history, and I hope history will judge her harshly in the coming decades. History will probably also have something to say about SNL normalizing a lot of these shit-weasels, or at least

I think Baldwin is just trying to make Trump ugly and crude externally in order to reflect what Trump has going on internally. It's almost more performance art than comedy at times, and it's definitely a purposeful prodding that's working every time.

They can do both. They're definitely succeeding at the latter, and the former depends on each viewer's sensibilities.

Trump has kind of destroyed the scale regarding what constitutes decency in politics. I found myself agreeing with Sarah Palin the other day, for chrissakes.

I learned to move the fuck out of my county and only return for the occasional holiday or funeral.

Travis Tritt gets a lifetime pass for that ridiculous video where he's a wounded vet in a wheelchair who falls into a lake. Sorry, but Bey's never made a video as entertaining as that.

The problem is that writing off obvious loons as obvious loons is no longer working. Honestly, I could have gone on forever ignoring these jackwads and been very happy about it, but unfortunately that's no longer an option. Ugh.

It is possible that she has some social media followers who are not rabid devotees to all that is Tomi Lahren.

"Last night I saw Lester Maddox on a TV show…."

There's a sizable portion of the Facebooking citizenry that puts up "Blue Lives Matter" posts whenever institutional racial bias in police forces is spotlighted (likely the same people who say things like, "Slavery was a long time ago; get over it). So, yeah, I wouldn't consider America my country either. Kaepernick

I watch documentaries about North Korea and see those starving, totally oppressed wretches trying to one-up each other with cry-singing praise of the Great Leader, and I think, "This is the logical endpoint of unchecked patriotism, and yet nothing is more sacrosanct in the 'free' United States than the goddamn flag."

SJW is such a weird insult. So it's bad to consider the rights and struggles of people who are not me and then speak up about it? Same with "tree-hugger." Trees are fucking amazing. We should love them. And even if you're ambivalent on trees, why shit on people just for caring?

This is one of those helpful words that signals to me that I don't want to know the person using it. Like "sheeple" or "butt-hurt."

Oh, man, did I need this today. And right off the bat, Texas Chainstore Manager, effin gold.