The Molten Dream of Justice

Aw, fuck you guys. Now I'm just listening to Outkast all morning instead of working.

Yah too close mon!

1. B.O.B.
2. ATLiens
3. Red Velvet
4. Rosa Parks
5. Skew it on the Bar-B

Another distinction: Clickhole is much weirder.

Correct. When I lived in a small town. I drove drunk ALL THE TIME. Not proud of it, but it's the truth. When I go back home, my old friends routinely drive with open container like it's no big thing.

Though not really accurate as Omar wasn't a dealer and didn't use burners. A bit of lazy writing there.

Sorry, I just think it's unfair to call someone a "sexist asshole" based solely on his lyrics without providing any other real-life evidence. If you don't like listening to it because you feel the lyrics are sexist, that's fair. There are a few songs of his that I skip past because they make me queasy. But I feel that

You know, Johnny Cash didn't actually kill a man in Reno just to watch him die.

6 seasons and an Elijah movie.

Overall she could have run a much better campaign, obviously, but I'm happy that she shined a light on these cockroaches and called them out by name. And the alt-right "concept" (you say that like it's a myth or something) lives on because Trump appointed their poster boy as his top advisor.

Kind of makes a pattern. Loudly and awkwardly ingratiating yourself with a growing group of disaffected white Midwesterners in a desperate stab at relevance. At least the Juggalos had the dignity to call a fraud a fraud.

Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, dude; at least it's an ethos.

It's hard to beat a guy who promises the moon to idiots.

It's entirely possible that she doesn't know what the terms "white supremacist" or "Nazi" mean and only knows that they're trending on social media right now.

You're assuming he's going to do any of the things that presidents do. There's no way he's going to stand in front of cameras and honor other people.

Of course, Obama doesn't write any of this material, but he's sure as hell good at delivering it. My favorite is from a few years ago when he honored Carlos Santana by telling a story about how Santana was tripping balls during his Woodstock performance and mistook the neck of his guitar for "an electric snake."

How about a compromise? There are plenty of jokes that can be made about social liberalism taken to extremes and alienating many lifelong Democrats, so maybe try writing better jokes, but if you make jokes at the expense of marginalized people, you look like a down-punching douche, and you shouldn't get all defensive

This guy should make more of these. There are so many movie accents (and TV accents) to analyze. I always thought Jimmy McNaulty was waaaay off on his Baltimore accent, to the extent that I figured at some point they'd reveal that he moved to Baltimore from somewhere else on the East Coast. Also, as a native

You can get a good look at a Trump Steak by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

I see Trump's team filling up with a bunch of old white dudes who don't like Muslims. White males were by far his most reliable voting bloc; they fully support not just a Muslim registry, but an unsettling amount of these white folks would rather that there just weren't any Muslims here at all, and they're more and