The Molten Dream of Justice

You're right that there are some shoddy stats used here, but I think the idea is that it's not helpful to single out any group and say they're more dangerous than others and force them to register themselves as belonging to a group of undesirables. And so this White Male registry is trying to show majority groups what

Can someone get impeached just for being a lame-ass bitch?

Fair enough. It's not a perfect comparison.

We're talking about a Kanye concert. I'm guessing most of the crowd was white.

I want to retort that the planet will survive Trump and that we should oppose his environmental deregulation but not be overly alarmist, but you are from the future, so I guess you've seen what will come to pass.

Okay, keep pretending that people on the Internet don't influence one another. It clearly happens across the political spectrum, not just the left, and of course it's difficult to tease out what is an original thought from what is a crowd thought, but from where I'm sitting, this looks like a mob with their pitchforks

This is what's shitty about being a liberal who doesn't fall in line with other liberals all the time. You immediately get dismissed as probably secretly liking the other side.

You do have a point there. Kanye has a career full of context that makes this latest rant less a political statement and just more narcissistic provocation. But still, I'm unsettled by the swiftness and tenor of the response.

Literally every entertainer in America besides Chachi and Ted Nugent were in the anti-Trump crowd. Now a big celebrity steps out of line, and he's booed in person and trashed mercilessly online. No one else sees this as a bit unseemly? I'm far from being a Trump supporter, but damn, the groupthink and kneejerk hate

There are so many great drummers in metal right now. It makes Lars sound even worse. Trujillo and Hammett should have bailed years ago and found some people worthy of their talents. Or they should hold a Flight of the Conchords style meeting where they list the pros and cons of replacing Lars with a cassette tape.

something something Soup Nazi.

Just gonna hop on Limewire and grab a live bootleg of Weezer's "In the Garage" that's definitely not a virus.

I have to agree with you, although not so angrily. Everything that people say "should" be taught to kids actually is taught to kids. It's just that kids are squirrely little dumbasses who retain like 3% of what you try to cram into their heads. I think the real problem is that too many people stop trying to learn new

I've heard a lot about this "fake news," but I must have unfriended or unfollowed anyone who posts it, because I've never actually seen it in my feed. Is it like the Onion but not funny? I've seen all sorts of memes based on junk information or stories that were crazy biased, but not just straight up wholly fabricated

But didn't you hear? Trump said, "Stop it, youse guyzzz," to all the racists and everythingphobes in our country. It was basically the Gettysburg Address. It's all good now. It doesn't matter that he himself is a proven racist who just appointed the Pied fucking Piper of modern white supremacy as his closest advisor.

I can't wait for January 1st 2017 when the separate American factions will stop hating each other and aging musicians will stop dying.

I'm not usually a metal listener, but I listened to some Converge yesterday and I was like, "Oh, okay, I get what metal is for now." Weirdly relieved a lot of stress. But that's not so much about goodness of humanity. For that, I've been watching I Love Lucy.

I doubt people voted for Trump because they don't understand or enjoy science education. If people in cities started talking about how science sucks and the whole country should agree with that, small-town people would resent that and claim they love science just out of spite.

And if he's like everyone else this week, he hasn't been "fully present" at work. It'll probably be a bit rough.

I'm very curious/afraid about what might happen on this SNL. Dave is an outspoken comedian who's also been known to react poorly under great pressure (and I'd say the first SNL after The Day That Minorities Were Reminded That They Don't Matter is a lot of pressure). It might end up being the best SNL ever, or it could