The Molten Dream of Justice

Was hoping you'd bring up his small part in The Invention of Lying as the very low-key and accurate Coca-Cola spokesman.

Oh, they're gonna play Hallelujah. And then they're gonna play Space Oddity again just because.

It's only November. 2016 isn't done with us yet.

It's kind of ridiculous to fashion yourself into a self-styled refugee when there isn't, you know, actual warfare or a violent government crackdown or famine happening. There are real refugees out there in the world struggling to find places that will accept them. I can understand wanting to live in Canada in general;

That was needlessly judgmental.

I physically can't watch or learn much about this guy, because he makes the inside of my skin want to be the outside of my skin. But is there a chance that it's all an act? One that's gone too far, to be sure. But I see a person like this and my brain just wants so badly to believe that it's not genuine, because eek.

Not sure if you noticed, but the whole world is fully invested in perpetual warfare. I'm okay living in the easily defended country with the best military.

I don't think a statement made within the context of a stand-up comedy set should be treated like something that was said in an interview or in prepared remarks of some kind. It's a slippery slope that leads to more comedians self-censoring; it's bad for the art.

this is fucking terrible.


I actually have no idea what is going on out there in ND, other than that some people want a pipeline through there and some other people do not. Once in a while a FB post will pop up saying the pipeline is bad, and then another post will pop up saying that you don't have the right complain about pipelines if you've

Couldn't finish, too angry.

Maybe he wanted to accept the prize, but the news came sooner than he expected. He just wasn't ready for… [wheezing] THE EARLY SWEDISH KING.

An acquaintance from high school, who is actually quite sane and intelligent, recently started up a cricket farm. It's not as crazy as it seems. I don't think we'll all be eating whole crickets anytime soon. Just crush them shits into a powder and shape the powder into things we already eat, like chips.

We need fewer poor people and addicts in prisons, and we need more people like this guy in there.

"That's cubist pubics, B. You post shit stupidly."

I can't wait for this technology to be referenced in a rap lyric.

ahem….it's JHYNESE.

Just curious, why doesn't it count if your job involves working in an office with, you know, office supplies?

Eric Trump looks like he went to Smiling School for the Psychopathic Undead.