The Molten Dream of Justice

I enjoy looking at fine art. I almost always hate listening to someone talk about fine art, particularly if it's their own.

I've walked past the ad for this movie enough times to make me curious about watching a Madea movie. Anyone have any suggestions for where to start? They seem like goofy fun, and I suspect Tyler Perry gets shit on around here more than he deserves.

It can be 23 things.

Because Merica

This seems cool and everything, but I do hope it's not foreshadowing for what could soon happen to Trump's high-profile properties in Manhattan. Vandalism is 99.9% of the time not a cool way to get your point across.

That actually doesn't seem so bad. I've never gotten a chance to see FOTC, but I'd pay up to $60 to see them if I could. And Weird Al was one of the best shows I've been to (just in terms of the amount of fun). Those two alone might be worth $100, and then you have everything else as a bonus.

I think that Trump absolutely wanted to be president, but he's a squirrely little shit who can't abide public embarrassment, so he'll spin this failure into something useful, whether it's a crappy, short-lived media product or a reported financial loss big enough to allow him to avoid paying income taxes for the rest

Trump supporters in the Heartland, I kind of get. Those people really have been left out of the political discussion for decades, and Trump is the first candidate to engage them, albeit for purely self-interested reasons, in a long time. But the Trump supporters in NYC: complete nutters.

There's something so sad about the fact that the only media real estate Trump is able to occupy and control is his own Facebook page. He's desperately trying to play Bloomberg's game with every dumb aunt's toolkit.

Lock him up!

When you're out on the road
Slip-slap chimney-sweepin' like a choad
You just have to yip yap and call my name
And I'll be there whernerver yer cerl merrrr!

The 13th step: spite-posting on random alcohol-related articles.

Every time I walk by Trump Plaza, I have to fight the urge to spit on the windows. I have to tell myself, "Well, some underpaid schmo is gonna have to wipe it off, so that's not very fair."

As with a lot of things with Trump, it's less about the individual anecdotes and more about the pattern. It's like his entire life he's been methodically trying to prove that he's scum.

I liked Christina Ricci's Zelda in the "Z" pilot. She really pulls off the restless intelligence. Allison Pill is a standout in "Midnight in Paris" too. I feel like both of those actresses are better Zeldas than J-Law would be, but of course she's a bigger box office draw.

Also have to wonder if our changing work-life balance is having an effect on ratings. Sunday is no longer considered a day of rest for a lot of people. The 8-5, M-F work week is becoming the exception, not the rule. I'm an independent contractor, so I take all the work I can get while the getting's good, which means

I like "Perfect Illusion." It's kind of like a classic '80s crowd pleaser. But yeah, the rest of this album is….not good.

Why are you here, then? Shouldn't you be reading Adbusters and making Molotov cocktails? Also, I grew up in a small mining town, so don't tell me I don't understand the economic history of the working class. As it happens, people are mostly doing just fine in my hometown, but the bigots and misogynists among them now

You kind of just have to sit back in awe of her ability to spin every bit of negative press favorably (or more often, spin it back on Clinton). If she doesn't really believe in the work she's doing, she does an admirable job of concealing her true feelings. I think she'll land all right after all of this because she

I don't feel any sympathy for people who go to rallies and scream and chant about locking people up and banning Muslims and blaming anyone and everyone for their problems. Just my opinion, but yes, I think the people at this charity event are generally more decent folk than Trump's rally crowds.