The Molten Dream of Justice

Johnson is the most weed-friendly candidate to poll this well probably ever, and even he's clean-shaven. Beards and politics just don't mix anymore, which is a damn shame.

I should clarify, "unfair" was a bit sarcastic. I should have just said, "It makes sense that…."

Jokes are a tricky thing, and at an event like this, it's much better to bring subtle, slicing jokes like Clinton's than the on-the-nose hatchet job Trump performed. Clinton's Statue of Liberty joke is a good example: it doesn't come right out and say that Trump is a sexist asshole, but the point is delivered

Kind of unfair, since intelligent, humorous young people are willing to work for Clinton, and Trump can't get those people to vote for him, let alone even think about working on his campaign. This has been a problem with Trump's campaign from the start. There's no brainpower or creativity in the ranks; the whole thing

This guy has a dog and a beautiful evening in a park with no one around, and he's gonna blare a goddamn screen into his eyeballs the whole time. Fuckin' modernity, man…

I'm from Hibbing. No one knows who Dylan Thomas is.

I hear tell that he has actually gone back in more recent years, at least once for a funeral. I'm sure he's tried to keep a low profile when he's in town, though, so there's no press about it.

It should be noted that Zimmy's is now closed. Pretty sad, as it was the de facto Dylan museum in town.

Jesus Christ. I've seen Tombstone a thousand times and I never realized that was Billy Bob Thornton.

I already was anti-Chicken McNuggets at the time that I read the books, but now there's no way I could ever eat one again my life. It also made me think a lot more about how 95% of the porn in the world gets made.

I brought you a fish to make you feel better. It is a thing of Crake.

And never was there a sexier death-rattle

Willfully Reductive is my middle name.

This review is gushing, but the actual stories, as described, sound a bit too Chuck Palahniesqe. Yeah, we get it, human existence is mostly terrible and gross. What else is new?

Baldwin is also a super-popular member of the NYC in-crowd. Nothing makes Trump's blood boil more than that. Look at how he went nuclear on Bloomberg a while back.

How old are you? Are they not teaching kids "Uncle Tom's Cabin" anymore? It was pretty goddamn important.

Never thought I'd see the day when Lil Jon delivers a reasonable and cool-headed takedown of a presidential candidate. This year is so fucking weird. Like, Lil Jon would destroy Trump in a live debate. That's how much Trump shouldn't be president. What the fuck are people thinking?

Agreed on Cassadega. I think it's his most mature songwriting.

Women actually coming out and accusing people of rape publicly is a relatively new thing in the course of human history, and I think we're all still trying to figure out the best way to navigate it. It's obviously a hot topic right now, and for good reason. Way overdue. But you're right that someone in Oberst's

Faaawwwwck yes, I hate this song. I hate it so much. It's like Sugar Ray with even less substance (Sorry, Mark!)