The Molten Dream of Justice


Clearly Nathan is part of the media conspiracy to take down Trump, because why else would he have reason to say such mean things about him?

Trump is miles worse than Dole or Palin. Palin is a politically toxic, loudmouth derp-queen, but she looks like Angela Merkel next to Trump. At least Palin believes the crap she's spinning. Trump co-opted the ugliest strains of ignorant bigotry in our country in order to sate his ego, prop up his own brand, and funnel

Brilliant. The plan is to put Trump supporters to sleep so they miss election day.

I got chills just reading that.

I can't think of a song that always gives me goosebumps. From time to time, and always unexpectedly, a song will get to me, but it's always dependent on time, place, and obviously mood. I'm trying to think of the last time it happened — probably Cat Stevens while washing dishes, but I can't remember which song.

Now a makeshift Hitler Channel can be found by browsing the documentary section on Netflix.

Alternate headline: "History Channel comes to the conclusion that the vast majority of the viewing public doesn't know shit about history, so fuck it, give 'em UFOs."

Dear sweet Universe, if you contain any capacity for justice, please let this walking jizz stain get his comeuppance very soon, and to a degree commensurate with the amount of anxiety and disgust he has injected into decent society.

I just checked. Mine was a link to the trailer for Koyaanisqatsi for some goddamn reason. No accompanying comment from me. Just a link to an experimental documentary from the '70s.

Well, if there's gotta be a death at the end of this story…

I get that it doesn't seem like much of a news story because Trump gonna Trump. But try to imagine reports of Hillary Clinton walking around the offices of the Clinton Foundation openly talking about how fuckable various employees were. It would destroy her campaign. The fact that this story doesn't destroy Trump's

I actually listened to that Sum-41 song. I immediately washed it out of my ears with that Meshuggah song.

And we're yet another step closer to Madd Addam.

The idea that that Force Science Industries guy has any influence in a court of law is fucking terrifying.

but..but…but…that one black officer shot a black guy, so racism doesn't exist, except when libruls bring it up. Stop bringing racism into existence by referring to it!

I'm not usually a crazy song-repeater, but I've had Starboy on loop all week. That performance was excellent. Nice to see someone actually improve on their song on the SNL stage.

Cecily's update character wasn't overly broad. That person certainly exists. If you grew up working-class, you met them all the time.

I'm not in a position to personally weigh in on the issue of human trafficking. But as for NBC, this type of outcry should have been super predictable. Why even greenlight it in the first place if you're just going to cave at the first sign of backlash?

Damn. That's a trailer.