The Molten Dream of Justice

I wonder if his actual strategy going into this debate was just to say "wrong" 70 times while someone else was speaking. Did he run that by his team? Were they like, "Yeah, totally, do that"? He really doesn't have an actual campaign. He's simply hoping that his supporters' blind emotions don't burn out by November.

Clinton stayed at least in the realm of the topic at hand during her answers. A bit of evasion and omission like any politician, but you can't compare her to Trump in terms of staying on point..

I'm not so sure that Trump News would be successful long-term. It's not like Trump has a sterling business record. The best I can see him doing is a fringe website of some sort - lower overhead than TV and he still gets to be Lord of the Deplorables until he dies and Don Jr. ascends.

Yeah, I guess I'm not trying to shit on the entire borough.These guys just represent the worst strain of faux-artsy bullshit around there.

Yeah, I very rarely am in situations where I have to hear pop radio, but when I do, I can't tell one shrink-wrapped YOLO-themed anthem from another. Growing up, our town's pop radio station played Beck, Tom Petty, B-52s, Spice Girls, Crash Test Dummies, Weezer… basically a lot of disparate and non-homogeneous stuff.

Yeah, I'd love to have the interview audio available to us, because I suspect that line was dripping with sarcasm. I hope, anyway. These guys seem like everything that's hate-able about Brooklyn.

If Trump wins, it's not Hillary who lost; it's all of us. Nobody can run a perfect campaign, and nobody who's been in the public eye for so long has a clean rap sheet. She's really the best the Democrats have right now, considering Biden didn't want to run. If Trump wins, it's because he succeeded in driving the

I've heard enough of the anti-elitist talk. You know, being intelligent and a good leader used to be a positive thing. If prominent and successful people are vocally siding with Clinton over Trump, it's not because they're "elitist." It's because they didn't get where they are by making poor decisions. And if you have

I've liked Seth Meyers' material going back to Weekend Update. He's smart and irreverent like John Oliver without the constant incredulous shouting. But I've always had a hard time with his delivery. It seems too rushed, and so jokes don't land properly. Gotta take your time, man.

I realize that it looks cool and helps us to see the characters' faces, but it bothers me that every space-related sci-fi movie uses helmets with lights in them that would surely make it difficult for the wearer to see anything besides the inside of their helmet.

One of the best things to come out of an embarrassing Trump loss (Allah willing) will be the end of Donald Jr.'s political career. If he's allowed to rise unimpeded, he'll be far worse than Pops, believe me.

I doubt they think about his family beyond "the tall blonde one is hot."

By saying that he'll also have Clinton on the show soon, he's making it seem like this is a normal election where there are two reasonable candidates who disagree philosophically on some points, and that it makes sense for a super popular show like his to play ball with both sides. But this isn't a normal election,

Fallon is vying to be the only late night host left on the air after Trump "loosens the libel laws" and shuts down the ones who aren't nice to him.

Yes, for Fallon, just like his friend Trump, it's all about ratings. I know it's television and ratings are important, but I have a feeling the "echo chamber" hosts you mentioned are interested in more than that. Doesn't make Fallon bad; he's just doing his job. But don't criticize TV hosts who work within a niche

This is why HRC is slipping in the polls. She has to learn how to pander to Middle America. It's way easier than she thinks. Just go on Dr. Oz or some bullshit. Is the Price Is Right still on?

His back is straawwng, Mrs. Gump, strawng as I've ever seen. But his back's as crooked as a politician!

The Last Waltz would be a pretty easy one. They could have a Van Morrison character named Vaughn McCutter or something, and enough fake coke to hospitalize Jonah Hill.

Are people actually losing their shit about this, or is this one of those things where there's more being written about people losing their shit than any actual shit-losing occurring?

We should never gave / we should never gave
Nelly money / go back home
money / go back home