The Molten Dream of Justice

The whole album holds up incredibly well. Thank you, Nelly's tax troubles, for reminding me to listen to all these tracks.

Does it have to be "Hot in Herre"? And does it have to be Spotify? Can I play a whole bunch of "Thicky Thick Girl" on Google Play?

Yeah, this guy's whole thing is imagining the darkest timeline, so this isn't really news. I do kind of wish he'd do a special Election Edition of Black Mirror and explore what the bleakest outlook of a post-Trump America would be.

I just went to Asssscat and had a great time. It didn't seem to me like a bunch of adults playing make-believe. I was really impressed by the quick wits and intellectual depth required to pull off an improv show of that caliber. It's much more impressive, to me, than stand-up. That said, I've seen some terrible,

If ClickHole is third-rade, could you please point me towards these fabled first- and second-rate parody sites that you've discovered?

I only watched this for, "You owe me a Sausage McMuffin!" How did that not make it in there?

I'm usually against re-visiting food joints during the same trip, but my wife and I went to Paillard every day while in Quebec City, sometimes twice a day. They don't fuck around with their pastries.

Supper Club ate it.

concrete in, concrete out

wtf is Super Deluxe

I actually started coming to the AVC because of I book that my mom randomly gifted to me: The Tenacity of the Cockroach: Conversations with Entertainments Most Enduring Outsiders. They still do those from time to time, but they're few and far between, and always buried under all the click-driving garbage like this.

I hate when I use a whole paragraph to describe a phenomenon and then find out there's a hashtag that would have done the trick. I need to get out more (and by out, I mean the Internet).

90% of published short-form writing nowadays seems to result from an editor saying, "Hey, what's an opinion held by an overwhelming majority of our readers? Okay, let's write an article arguing the opposite of that, purely for attention."

She's Canadian. It'll be Jagged Little.

Y'all should feel bad about that headline. Not a proud day for you.

[adopts ominous-sounding gravelly voice] Bobby Newport.

Yeah, it seems like an easy target, but it does present opportunities for good physical comedy. I could watch Parker Posey dance like that for a half-hour stretch.

Studies have shown that people who are more prone to feelings of disgust and fear of germs are also more likely to hold isolationist and anti-immigrant ideas. So, yeah. Trump's also a known germaphobe, fwiw.

I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I kind of don't like this lady.

troll makes lame, condescending quip about "facts." more at 11.