The Molten Dream of Justice

Great job months ago, Internet.

I hope it keeps the anthology structure of the web series, where each episode is a nice little short film unto itself. I'd even be interested in an "In Treatment" type of thing with whole-episode focus on a certain character that gets revisited every few episodes. I just hope they don't try a serialized bounce-around

Sometimes the MN local music pride blinds Minnesotans a bit, and combined with the MN tradition of never expressing negative opinions about art, a lot of questionable stuff gets exalted throughout the years on just inertia and good vibes. I've always thought Slug was a bit hokey and too clever for his own good (and I

Yeah, someone holds the opinion that a lot of traditions are outdated remnants of oppression, so that person must be unhappy. Good job, Doctor.

I just googled "films released in 1996" for a refresher, and, man, that was a pretty good year. Fargo, From Dusk til Dawn, Happy Gilmore, Scream, Trainspotting, Twister, Sleepers, The Cable Guy, The Birdcage, motherfucking Space Jam, Primal Fear, A Time to Kill, Tin fucking Cup, etc.

Some drivers will ask me what I want to listen to, or even offer to let me plug in my phone and play music, and I always feel like that would be weird. I'm already paying you way too little for this ride across town. I don't need to also impose my music tastes on you.

I've of course heard this song in various Ubers and retail environments, but I had no idea what the people making it looked like. Now I know. Thanks.

I made it about halfway through, to the point when one of the supporters, with zero awareness, describes what is basically the first couple steps leading to the Final Solution: "caging 'em in, shipping 'em out."

He just chuckled awkwardly and hate-grinned at the person.

Green Day and mass shootings: two things from the '90s that are inexplicably still happening.

Everyone steer clear; we have a major sharps hazard. So much edge!

Mario Lopez came to my college to do a "motivational" speech of some kind, and when he got to the Q&A session at the end, all the questions were like, "Why do you lift weights in the bathroom?" "Where's Artie?"

There's already a Pixar for adults; it's called Pixar. This looks like Pixar for 16-year-olds with cool uncles who buy them movie tickets.

I'm usually like, "Fine, grammar and spelling have always been somewhat fluid between times and cultures," but god damn it, this writing style is just too much. If you want to be taken seriously, learn proper composition or hire someone to help you.

Ah, but, Sean, the answer was in Johnson's original post all along.

I request that Lorne hires someone who's capable of hitting a baritone pitch. Killam was the best they could do for a Snape impression, and it was pathetic. People talk about the obvious weak spots in ethnic diversity, but a lack of vocal diversity will really limit what you can do.

Jay Pharoah is impressive but ultimately disappointing because he's great at impressions but lacks a sense of humor, or he's at least unable to inject any sense of fun into his impressions. Just sounding like the person isn't enough. A lot of people can do that.

"Donald Trump is here… still!"

New York also has many schools, libraries, museums, hospitals, clinics, fire departments, etc., etc. It's not all entertainment and high finance. And there's a good chance your wage will be higher in NYC than it will be for the same position in the hinterlands, which offsets some of the cost of living.

Does Google Play ever get exclusives? Google is supposed to be running the world. Why aren't they on top of this shit?