The Molten Dream of Justice

New feature alert: "Shit my wife told me about three weeks ago."

The act of stealing them, yes, Watergate-esque. The actual content, no.

Oh, okay. I thought you meant it in the sense of Mike Pence's "Secretary of the Status Quo" zinger.

Their thinking doesn't expand beyond, "Which candidate most conforms to the identity I'm trying to project?" Self-absorbed LA douches, most of them.

One's feelings toward the status quo really depend on how that person's doing presently. I'm pretty cool with the status quo, especially considering that the changes most likely to be wrought as a result of a Clinton loss are too horrifying to even contemplate.

But this little fun-time revolutionary summer camp they have going on is drawing a lot of bad attention at exactly the wrong time.

I was gonna say, "Whoa, spoilers, man," but the ending is so dumb and lazy and predictable, so it doesn't really matter.

I got bored halfway through, and I could only get through the rest of it by laughing at terrible dialogue. I left the theater feeling much dumber.

I've always liked the SNL skit where Will Ferrell's hacky songwriter Lucifer sings "Fred's Slacks."

"Don't copy me / Y'all do it sloppily / And y'all can't come close to me."


tennis is for Euro-queers.

I was about to post something very similar. Most of the people who harp on about free speech don't actually know how it works constitutionally.

For real. Any movie that includes Diddy and a joke about The Mars Volta is a winner in my book.

Damn. That embedded song is immediately my new favorite song. Gonna have to check out the rest. I wish Nina Simone were alive to cover this.

I don't know. 34 was pretty old back then. He'd have a nice house and family and Irish setter, a desk job that was okay as long as old Mr. Peterson wasn't in one of his moods that day. I doubt this guy was going to Detroit rock clubs and throwing bottles against walls or anything.

I came here to post that exact thing.

Does an intern go around Fallon's studio audience handing out whippets? I don't understand what they're laughing at most of the time.

"originally described as The Big Bang Theory of weed."

Sam, glancing eagerly around the office: "Hey, guys, I can be a feminist too! Did I do it right? A man did a thing and I made fun of it. Am I on the right track here? Please don't fire me."