The Molten Dream of Justice

John Krasinski: the new Zach Braff.

Just because we aren't engaged in physical war doesn't mean we aren't very much divided. Speaking for myself, I've designed my life so that I have very little meaningful contact with social conservatives, people who say "All Lives Matter," gun nuts, etc. This is the way for most people living in cities. The Civil War

This girl is on a CMT show called "Redneck Island." And realizing that I know that: the saddest thing of all.

The written word is a magical thing that can capture the voice of the storyteller and transport it on through the ages for all whose ears are willing.

Trust me, people don't need a phone game in order to behave like obnoxious assholes at the Holocaust Museum.

Retirement Fund for a Dream

Personally, I can't get enough of this type of stuff (not sure what that says about me). I loved "Martha Marcy May Marlene." And the compound scenes from "Big Love" were always my favorite.

Probably the 500th person to say this, but welcome back, Sean; you have been sorely missed.

I'm all for Nick Kroll trying to get into some serious dramatic acting, but this seems quite…abrupt…and jarring. When he popped up, it seemed like a Kroll Show skit that started out serious and was about to get wacky.

"If you cry out…" is open to interpretation, and pretty harmless IMO. I'm more concerned about "sweat 'til you can't sweat no more." Dehydration is a serious matter.

Katie, are you my mother-in-law?

stop jazzing all over journalism.

Who's a slave? I'm not a slave. Whoops, 12 years a slave.

While references to this movie got old real fast, I remember really enjoying Napoleon Dynamite the first time I saw it, and it's cultural impact is undeniable. Kind of surprised it's missing, but I also understand the enduring backlash against it.

It's extremely broad, so there are some good and useful things on it, and of course a lot of straight-up garbage. It can be really useful for things like homebrewing or asking people for details on their jobs when researching a new career.

Yeah, I mean, it's pretty much impossible not to be smug when approaching this shit. How can you respond to this stuff like you're talking to a thinking adult on equal ground?

Best American short fiction writer, for sure. I'm interested to see how he fares with a novel. When I saw him on his ToD reading tour, he staunchly defended short fiction as equal to or better than long fiction, and he didn't seem too interested in writing a novel.

You know, there's all sorts of venues for you to blather on with your "All Lives Matter" bullshit. I'm not sure a news blurb about a Pokemon game is the best one.

That's a tall order, choosing just one. "Lucky" comes to mind, with "Let Down" and "National Anthem" right up there.

I mean, I love Radiohead as much as the next white 30-something, but it's pretty hilarious how far they are up their own butthole a lot of the time. Never change, weirdos!