The Molten Dream of Justice

It's not a good sign that references to things like Twilight Zone and Black Mirror are becoming more and more apt.

I've never thought too deeply about the lyrics to this song, but I've always thought it has one of the most boring melodies ever. Why do such bland tunes catch on and last for decades? Mysteries!

Very good piece, everyone.

These Soundgarden puns are about as sharp as a spoon, man.

Have the people who write and direct wedding comedies ever been to an actual wedding?

Really? He has an interesting face. I've never thought it punchable.

It's a shame that this role is just too damn weird to get an Oscar nod, because Radcliffe deserves one here.

Sounds familiar but otherworldly at the same time. Great stuff. I also went through a lengthy phase when St. Augustine's Confessions was my favorite book, so this jam is speaking to me.

But we actually need more guns

Eh, might be worth a Netflix watch. The role seems to be in Franco's wheelhouse, and there's some Adam Devine and Andrew Rannells business going on. Looks like maybe a raunchier take on "Meet the Parents."

I kind of lost interested in Serial season 2. Is it worth finishing? Does it get better? I know it's subjective and everything, but I was getting pretty bored.

Oh, here it is, I found it:

"Ugh, got so bombed last night at BeeNeezy's and woke up with a bag full of Penguin Classics and three Moleskin journals. Never again!"

I almost never see local TV news, but when I do, I'm always horrified by the new practice of pulling random-ass social media opinions and spraying them across the screen. "ClownJunk44 says, 'Dude shouldn't even been messin with that bear!!!"

More bookstores should aspire to be like Kramerbooks (except maybe a little roomier).

goddamn it, I would have loved if that gun had slid to Chang's feet. I'm guessing she was taking a nice peaceful shower, though.

I can absolutely believe that this show has no black writers.

Yeah, it touches on a theme of randomness. Never said the show was all about randomness.

I think it's fine that the gun went to a random-ass character. I mean, it had to go to someone, and the show has been touching on a theme of how random chances can have major consequences.