The Molten Dream of Justice

Yeah, that's a fair assessment. Maybe enjoyment of this show just boils down to how much you care for subtlety or lack of subtlety. I was always cringing when one of the guards would state something explicitly in terms that seemed lifted from a pro-punishment meme that my redneck uncle shares on Facebook. It seemed

I think they hired an expert in moving corn slightly so that it's spooky but doesn't necessarily look like someone's bumbling around in there, but the expert backed out at the last minute, so they sent some third-string PA in there to do the job, with predictable results.

That's been the main sticking point with me this season. Yes, all of these horrible things happen IRL somewhere at sometime and with too much regularity. But having so much cartoonish evil and tragedy concentrated in one minimum security prison, combined with the tonal whiplash of quirky comedy and fan-service

"Hey, isn't it silly that people report on stuff like this?"

well, that escalated quickly.

Yeah, you should have maybe kept this one to yourself. But…hooray for free speech? I guess?

It is interesting that this is the second straight week that AVC has done an interview with someone who's very much outside of (and I would even argue below) this particular audience's media universe, and the results in the comments have been predictable. I know that sounds like snobbery, but why even cover something

Donaghy kinda rhymes with party, and that's cool

Well, that didn't take long.

My problem isn't so much with these two individual douches. It's more a problem with a society that gives them three books and a major movie deal.

She actually made an effort with a few of her questions this time. Of course, these guys seem well-practiced in the art of dodging difficult questions.

Difference is, drag is actually entertaining and requires great effort to pull off. These guys sit around tweeting half-baked, stale-ass "jokes."

I think the difference is that, from their view anyway, Jon is a bastard who earned the "king" title through sheer badassery rather than royal blood. And I think they've been through enough with him to still follow him if/when they find out he's highborn.

Speaking of symmetry, Jon and Sansa on the balcony in Winterfell also had a very Wes Anderson feel.

Well, smart in that it probably took a lot of careful planning and strategizing to pull off this particular scheme, as questionable as her larger political foresight might be. She's demonstrated that she's capable of great cunning and intelligence but also very narrow and rash thinking. I'm just saying I'd be very

Defeating the White Walkers will require not only a lot of military strength and Valyrian steel, but also a lot of long-buried knowledge. So, yeah, I can see Sam having a significant role going forward. And it's a great opportunity to further build out the world by exploring its past.

Cersei's insane, but she's smart. I'm sure she used only the amount of wildfire it would take to get the job done with the sept, and she's keeping the rest for battles to come.

Was anyone else a little uncomfortable with the northerners shouting "the White Wolf" at Jon like he was the new grand wizard of the Klan?

New theory: Everyone is a Targaryen (except for Dany somehow).