The Molten Dream of Justice

Yeah, kudos to Coster-Waldau for that facial expression while watching Cersei take the throne. It could be read as, "I'm going to have to support her but I don't feel good about it at all," or, "I'm going to have to get the fuck out of here immediately," or, "I'm going to have to kill her sooner or later." You could

Dispatches is the book that started me on a lifelong love of nonfiction books and long-form reporting. R.I.P., sir, and thank you.

I listened to it on Google Play sans snarky AVC commentary, and I really enjoyed it. Whatever, it's a dumb, fun song about arresting ghosts.

Satire is better when the satirist isn't filled with blinding contempt for the subject. If I made a card for the creator of this, it would be "asshole who stands to the side and judges everybody present while interacting with no one."

I could see Qyburn going. He created FrankenMountain, pointed Cersei toward the stores of wildfire (presumably), and now unless he's given a new project, I don't see what his usefulness would be. I would miss the creep, though.

Bowie would have stopped this with a wink and a shimmy.

But anti-migrant hissy fits just feeeel so good.

Great job, allowable state-friendly Internet!

At one point today, had some sort of blanket "breaking news" header going on, basically presenting three completely separate breaking stories as though they were part of the same narrative. It was really weird. Man, CNN is sensationalist garbage.

"Hi, Doc, can you give me a look that says I just got popped a few good times in a bar brawl, and then give me a bunch of liquor so that I sound the part, too?"

foarte bine!

Someone should make this for DC Metro. Those doors do not give a fuck. I once heard a grown man scream, "Stop the god damn train! My head is stuck in the door!"

I cringe a bit whenever they throw out a reference that's clearly aimed at the show's target market. I know the show depicts jail as a place that's full of colorful characters from all walks of life, but in reality jail is full of poor people, and they have completely different cultural touchstones than upper middle

They gonna serve Heineken?

I was hoping for a semi-official trial of Ramsey where Jon would defer to Sansa, and she'd call for some cold-ass sentence that involved a slow, excruciating death (I'm against the death penalty IRL, but all bets are off in Westeros).

Interesting how Wun Wun's death kind of mirrored Hodor's. One died holding a door. The other died busting through a door. Both acts were great sacrifices aiding Stark children. Not sure if that was intended by the writers, but it was noted anyway.

12 minutes? Can someone just tell me how to say it or not say it or not care about how it's said or whatever this video is about?

Also, Rickon's formative years have largely been spent as a fugitive. It would be unreasonable to think that anyone has taken the time to teach him how to run from arrows.

Coming way late to this, but I had the same thought after watching this episode. I decided that her not telling anyone about her day with Charlie only further supports my theory that the whole encounter was in her head. Charlie was more of a Tyler Durden figure.

Who the fuck looks at the Faith Militant and thinks, "Oh, I should be like those guys"?