The Molten Dream of Justice

Makes it all the more amazing that they almost cast the role as a short guy. We would have been deprived of all these jokes, and would have probably had to settle for Costanza-type insults.

Why did you have to restrain yourself? Pushing dipshit conspiracy theories isn't a punishable offense? This is why I can't be a teacher.

I read one article in my Sunday paper this morning (yes, I still get a physical paper), and then I opened the Internet. Now I'm like, "Well, may as well throw this paper away. None of this shit matters going forward."

I get your point about keeping it light around here. But this is also one of the few places on the Internet that's not 95% hateful assholes, and it's helpful to take a moment and read some genuinely kind and thoughtful comments here before diving back into the pool of bile that is WaPo or the like.

It's pretty wild stuff, if you're into that. Last I checked, it was on Spotify.

Old Time Hockey personified. I'm going to pretend it wasn't strokes and dementia that did him in, rather it was a stick to the head from the ghost of JP Parise.

Sickened? Aren't you being a littleā€¦. dramatic?

The nice thing about Mutations is that there's a good amount of Fun Beck poking through the Sad Beck. It's good All-Purpose Beck.

Michael Bay is the yellow Camaro of people.

Within the current arena of political discourse, "under-educated" is a kind description.

The scene embedded in the article is a classic, as well as the "batin'" scene, but the rest is pretty forgettable.

I think the comparisons come more from the fact that a hokey, sleazy reality TV star is riling up an under-educated base around unrealistic promises of a vague "greatness." People have always been dumb, but we've at least had enough sense to let the adults lead.

Shit, "Centuries" is Fall Out Boy? Whenever I hear it in a retail environment, I assume it's Maroon 5.

I can think of no one better fit to make this film. Really looking forward to this.

What exactly does a "hip-hop awareness group" do? Are people not sufficiently aware of hip-hop in 2016?

Phones used to be gas-powered, too!

This is why I always initially bust out laughing when she starts screaming, then I sort of cut it off and worry about her for a second, then a few chuckles come back, and it's on to the next joke and/or heartbreak.

I'm hoping for a return of that craft cocktail bartender at some point. They absolutely nailed that look.

That song in the trailer sounds like all the songs.

You're in a fight with a gimmick poster. It's not worth it.