The Molten Dream of Justice

If they're anything like me, maybe they're withholding judgment in the hopes that the account turns out to be fabricated and the charges get dropped. No, Bunk, Nooo!

From what I could see, he had no emotional reaction whatsoever, which made it all the more strange.

I was on Amtrak recently and saw a 20-something dude by himself watching Titanic on his laptop, and it was near the end, so he must have watched the whole thing. I mean, I know it's not a terrible movie, but he could have been watching/reading/listening to countless other things. I couldn't figure it out.

You're a true renegade, and I admire your steadfastness, but your opinion on this matter is wrong.

Speaking of, I despise Ghostbusters 2.

I don't know, man. Maybe it's because I was on a long flight and had some sort of pent-up nerves, but I giggled like a school girl throughout much of Grand Budapest Hotel. I could watch Ralph Fiennes play a fancy scoundrel all day.

For me, I never consciously took anything away from Forrest Gump thematically or anything like that. It's basically an excellent source of quotes. It's kind of like Seinfeld in that you can pull a quote from it for almost any situation.

Drive was a lot better on second viewing when I started thinking of it as a comedy. I still haven't watched No Country since I saw it in the theater, which I guess means I wasn't that into it. I did love TLJ's soliloquy at the end, though.

Dune (the book). I was so bored and frustrated by it. It's the book that made me realize that while I really enjoy looking at the covers of old sci-fi paperbacks, I don't actually enjoy reading them.

Kid A came out at a time when I had a Discman, easy access to weed, and a lot of free time. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of its biggest fans had a similar situation going.

If I were to read a transcript of this interview, I'd likely agree with a lot of his sentiments around how dumb and vapid classic rock was at that time, but yeah, seeing his delivery of the words just erases any kinship I might feel with him. What a little twat.

Even embarrasinger fact: I didn't know who Timothy Dalton was and thought they were talking about Joe from Wings.

You can infer something from a title. A title can't infer something. Maybe he should have shown up to those classes.

I tried watching The Newsroom the other day, turned it off after about 12 minutes. I just can't deal with dialogue that sounds so "written." I know that sounds dumb because of course it's written, but I hate when characters either speak in essays or have the sort of perfectly witty back-and-forth banter that no one

I appreciate his thoughts on favorite movies, about how your favorite movie is simply the movie you've seen the most. When I'm asked that question, I'll sit and think for a second to see if I can pull out something cool-sounding, but then I'm just like, "Fuck it, Forrest Gump."

I often wonder if there's some evolutionary reason why humans tend to get angry/scared/distrustful based on food smells that are unfamiliar to them. My brother intensely disliked his Middle Eastern neighbor because he could smell his cooking in the hallway. Or maybe he just didn't like him because he was Middle

I really enjoy their song I'm in Love with a Ripper, but I haven't gotten into them beyond that, because they're clearly insufferable art wanks.

I just realized I've never heard more than the first 10 seconds of this song.

Well, to them it's an import, which is cool.

I was about to label this review overly harsh, and then the reviewer very wisely included that sentence. Now I'm wondering if maybe it wasn't harsh enough.