The Molten Dream of Justice

Why would you change a title like Fingersmith?

Wolf Trap's website is driving me nuts. Makes it seem like there are tickets available, then you get to the page and they're like, "Nope, sorry, go to StubHub and pay $120 to sit on the lawn."

I still enjoy a good sunset even though I've seen a million amateur photos of them on Instagram (that sounded like a point when I composed it in my head. I don't know; you be the judge).

For me, the biggest case of "love the music, hate the visual aesthetic" is My Morning Jacket. I have to believe that they only want to put their energy into rockin', and so they have none left over to worry about packaging.

I'm usually a grammar nerd myself, but you gotta pick your spots. When it's the title of an art-rock album, you can let some things slide.

It is weird. I wonder if they sequenced the album and then named the tracks, or if they had the track names and thought, "Fuck it, we'll sequence it alphabetically because we can."

While I enjoy reading the "Gateways to Geekery" articles for music, I kind of reject the idea that there's a "right" way to get into something. Kid A was the first Radiohead album I got into, and I easily got into the rest of their catalog after that. I'm sure I would have been into it regardless of what I heard first.

Jeeeesus, that's a good song. If these first two singles are any indication, this is really gonna be Jonny's album, which is a great thing.

Yeah, I guess I kind of answered the question by asking it.

I love how almost all of these tweets end with some variation of, "What do I do???" If Twitter doesn't supply a solution, they're helpless. How did kids with so much information at their fingertips become so non-resourceful? (and yes, I realize social media is a type of resource, but when it's just these idiots asking

We should institute an aging rocker re-training program so people like Anthony Kiedis can get jobs in HVAC repair or IT support instead of continuing to make completely inessential music that sounds like everything else they've done in the last 20 years.

Dropping in late. But I just want to say I'm kind of disappointed that Titus didn't shout, "Eat the cheeseburger, Astro-Boy!" before leaving that conversation.

Somehow the Rihanna thing got the headline when that DMX video is gold, Jery, gold.

[quietly, in corner, gazing down at feet]
I liked it…..

I have neither the time nor skill to do mashups. Anyone want to mash this shit up with QOTSA's Burn the Witch?

Celebrities are still using the lowered-hat-and-sunglasses disguise? It kind of screams "CELEBRITY IN DISGUISE!" at this point, doesn't it? Not sure what the alternative is, though. Full Juggalo makeup?

Usually I'd agree with this, but Oldham is not at all a poser.

The ol' Reverse Kanye.

I like it just fine. Thing is, they had such an influence on a lot of the music out there now (twitchy beats, atmospherics), that their newer releases sound more like everything else. In their heyday their sound was just fresher and seemed more adventurous because the wider landscape wasn't on their level yet.

Best moment of the season was the cut to the "Monkey Christ" painting. I probably missed the subsequent 15 jokes because I was doubled over laughing.