The Molten Dream of Justice

I'd heretofore never heard of Sam, but I really enjoyed the embedded stand-up videos. I also appreciate that this HateSong is about some deeply felt personal stuff and not just "group X likes this band, and I hate group X, so I hate this song." More HateSongs like this, please!

I wonder if his death (if it turns out that exhaustion was a significant precipitating factor) will get people to stop viewing the insane work habits of some entertainers as a sort of virtue and start viewing it as a labor safety issue. Obviously it was his choice to exhaust himself this way, but it's a shame that

"Oh, look at me, droning on and on. Tell me about yourself."

Is it a good idea to make a lyrics video when your lyrics are meaningless? I would have enjoyed the song a lot more if not for the constant reminder of how dumb it is. "Life is too short to last long"???

Y'all gonna review Keanu?

It's a helpful notification that a funny comic is going on tour.

Just read up on it. Damn. I wonder if he'll give Jen her own "Louie" episode where he just has to sit and listen to her call him a piece of shit, like the Dane Cook episode.

Did I miss something? I thought that rumor was dispelled. What's the latest on this thing?

I didn't mean to say "beloved by all dads." Didn't mean to include you in that. He just seems to have broader appeal than I would have ever imagined, and I'm guessing that his current fan base skews male 35-45. Kind of like how Wilco and Foo Fighters get tagged as "Dad-rock." I'm not a big fan of that label, but it is

Nothing's more rock'n'roll than paying $2,000 for a jacket that makes you look like a fuckin' doofus.

There's already an outstanding Country Music HoF in Nashville.

If you would have told 16-year-old me, cruising around in his friend's shitty car listening to "Bawitdaba," that Kid Rock would, damn near 20 years later, be some sort of country-rock ambassador beloved by dads everywhere, I would have asked you, "Did you come from the future to tell me to kill Kid Rock? Because it

you are 100% correct, and yet I cannot explain why "wolfman" is funnier. It just is.

I watched the Sixties JFK assassination doc last night. It was excellent. Definitely gonna check out the '80s stuff.

It very purposefully leaves out people who reject the dogma of consumerism. I'll give it that.

The shittiest part is that it specifically targets students from lower- or middle-class backgrounds, who are probably the first generation in their family to go to college, since kids with educated parents are more likely to not be in need of such cards, and kids with under-educated parents are less likely to be

At my college, some students were handing out little slips of paper that could be redeemed for a free large pizza at Domino's. So obviously I'm like, "Yes, I will take this." I get to the location and order my pizza, and it turns out you have to fill out a credit card application to get the free pizza (which was

All possible appropriate replies have pretty much been covered, so I'll just add that Arundel Mills is a shitty mall.

Here's most political discussions on Facebook:
Person 1: Blue lives matter! Thugs are taking over the streets and liberals are letting it happen!
Person 2: I support police officers in general, but I believe there is a problem with how urban police forces approach people in certain communities.
Person 1: How dare you

It's not for nothing that Oleg called America "home." That shit was pretty glaring.