
And what are your interests Bobby?

This is the same joke that was used on the last Wade article.

Wade to Knicks! Wade to Knicks! Kristaps/Melo/Wade/Noah/Rose!!!!! LETS DO IT

After taxes he has less than a million and no guarantee of more. I’d call him a wise man. Drugs aren’t cheap, you know.

Maybe he is smart with his money?

My thoughts exactly. Then again, maybe he knows he’s a shitty driver and didn’t want to risk submerging a more expensive car in a pond.

“Robinson apparently refused to leave the car because he thought he was still on the road...” This is more a testament to the comfort and suspension of American cars than it is to his cluelessness.

Denard Robinson has made approximately $1.5M over the last three years.

“The officer continued to knock on the window until the passenger, 29-year-old Marissa O. Staples of Cincinnati, said “what’s up,”

“Probably just a faulty GPS.” - Michael Scott

Obviously Cubs fans have no reason to care about who has home field in the WS.

Though Tom Wolf did approve the sale of beer at 9 gas stations recently! Pennsylvania might eventually reach the 21st century!

Pennsylvania is the worst. We used to have to buy liquor two days in advance for a holiday cookout if that holiday fell on a Monday. Because liquor is only sold in “liquor” stores and they were closed on Sundays and holidays. Only recently did they open for a few hours on Sundays.

His father was a comedian/illustrator who wrote the "Inside Woody Allen" comic strip and was a writer for Al Capp. He died six years ago and his obit is on the NYT. This asshole is the only kid from his second marriage.

One thing I love about this dude from reading about him the last several days, is how he claims he’s doing a public service by giving away the balls he catches, when in actuality every single ball would end up with other fans if he just left it alone.

This will probably make me sound like a truther here, but I don’t know many 38 year olds whose fathers served in WWII. If his dad was 18 at the end of the war, he’d have been a minimum of 50 when fathering this runt. I don’t want to say he’s lying, but perhaps embellishing?

No, he isn’t. He doesn’t just crave attention, he wants people to be jealous of how many baseballs he has. When the universe turns on him like it did this weekend, it freaked him out. I for one, am all for people like this being terrified of opening their twitter/snap/insta account because they know there’s nothing

I got 11 balls today

The word “Dogfight” is literally not anywhere in the original JoDM article.

You’re making me miss Tyler, Andrew.

The benefits of having a robot brain in a real-world fighter jet are obvious. A computer doesn’t get fatigued. It doesn’t get a case of the Mondays. It doesn’t have personal problems to bring to work and it doesn’t have its own set of morals that might interfere with its interpretation of orders.