
Ivanka’s “job”: Show up somewhere dressed expensively, look concerned/understanding, nod, mention the word “women”, and the day’s work is done!

That’s some BULL. SHIT.

#1 Tip: Never go outside. If you do have to go outside, like camping, camp at a hotel. ^_^

When I first moved to LA in 2001, one of the very first stories I ever heard from someone else in the entertainment business was from a producer who told me his girlfriend worked around Bill Cosby and had been invited to Cosby’s house for dinner. “Bring a friend” Cosby had said. So she brought her boyfriend (this

This is a simple case of he said, she said, and she #2 said, and she#3 said.... and she#58 said.


If I were Luann I would not head to my wedding by way of the (cursed) heliport that was the site of the last time we saw Bethenny and Jason together, arguing, in the finale of Bethenny Ever After.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

(Featuring Leslie Jordan as Jeff Sessions, because it would make Sessions bust)

This makes me physically ill, who steals from kids with cancer? oh yes I forgot we are talking about the devil’s spawn.

Okay, but what about the slumlord owner and her kids who managed the property, and who knew people were illegally living there and refused to fix the deadly electrical issues? What about the police and firefighters who knew of the problem but didn’t report it? Why is the city only caring about this now? Will this help

This whole thing is like the drunken uncles of America are lurching around representing all the rest of the family.

Ugh, we don’t want him, but we certainly don’t want to you to have to deal with him.

If only more leaders had the stones to stand up and say they dont want him to visit.

I’m already finding reasons to discount this seven second rule. How will I stop being a shitty person if I don’t obsessively self flagellate?

Right? How else are you going to improve it? I use this justification to flagellate myself via internal dialogue all the time.

I so needed to read this today. I’m that person. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told a joke in the middle of a conversation that was not well received and I worried all day if those people were offended, or they didn’t like me anymore, etc. It’s exhausting picking at every little thing. I’ll try this.

Here’s the thing... the way the movie is being described by Moretz and by the producers, it sounds like they’re trying to make a movie that starts out with the body shaming and through the magic of movies and random adventures, Snow and the dwarves learn a lesson about beauty and acceptance... which sounds like a

The McDonald’s near me in HS used to do all you can eat nights every Friday from 5-8pm. $5 and you got literally anything you could put away in that time frame.

Sounds like Admiral Jazzy Pants is just thinking about himself instead of what’s good for the company.