
‘A perfectly reasonable product next to a dangerous and heinous one,” thinks both political parties.

Hanging out with exes is always a terrible idea because you either enjoy yourself and wonder why you aren't together or you have a terrible time and are painfully reminded why things ended. Either way, it sucks.

V true

Yep nope fuck this *real* hard.

Saint Laurent Touché Eclat foundation, y’all. *mic drop*

Not sorry.

Calling this situation (people hating peeple) misanthrAPPy

Olivier’s hashtag game on Instagram annoys me but this shit is ON POINT

I would have loved to read a long form piece by DFW on these sorts of expos

oh excellent I’ve got a new line for da club

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” I murmur affectionately, patting the forearm area of my life-size roughly man-shaped pillow named Lance Bass.

sorry new phone who’s this

are you just at odds with everyone

and wetness is the essence of beauty

oh man this shit just needs to be dropped

Exactly. Imagine if the mother hadn’t gone after it - “squawk squawk squawk Upper East Side mother named Lucinda lets her daughter’s $4,000 wedding dress rot in dump because she can’t be bothered to look for it”? Come on, there would be blood in the comments section. She did the most considerate, un-snooty thing she

am I the only one who thinks this is really sweet?

can’t wait to not actually read this but read all about it on the internet then, at Christmas, subject my mother to withering criticism for having read it for bookgroup