someone that doesn’t realize there’s a vegetable component to that cupcake needs more than extra leafy greens
someone that doesn’t realize there’s a vegetable component to that cupcake needs more than extra leafy greens
Stars - They’re Just Like Us!
I don’t care if it’s tired - I’m playing this shit on repeat in the bathtub while it rains later, drinking red wine and contemplating my continuing loneliness. No one else does better music for that purpose.
No, because clothes from before The Great Uglying still exist.
Internet victory Friday 4th September 2015: KenYaddigit
fair point. (I sort of shifted my opinion in my second comment)
bad bitch h town
(see my other comment)
I’m totally with you. The whole criticism about publicizing it - or generalizing it - stands though. She said “one shouldn’t do these things” - that’s wrong because it’s prescriptive, and separately, it isn’t objectively true. She can look at her own experiences from whatever angle she wants (and I feel, strongly,…
I feel like Chrissie Hynde’s spent a long time and a lot of emotional energy fortifying herself with reason and getting to a place where she believes what she said and that there isn’t anything wrong with that. Chipping away at her interpretation - one that probably comforts her - seems shitty and wrong. She shouldn’t…
guys I want to know
taking away the bathroom mirror and writing ‘You Look Beautiful <3” - honestly seems like the kind of thing Michael Scott would’ve done in The Office
this is dumb and patronizing
racist. /s
this is four. minutes. long.
it makes me deeply afraid.