
Super useful, thanks so much!

where are you trying to live

(gotchu, girl)



I am straightttt up panicking because my housing (after my current sublet ends) for September onwards just fell through. Any ideas how to find roommates that aren’t murders/apartments without insane broker fees in NYC?



I feel at peace.

1,522 people seem to think so. 1,523, because I do as well. It’s funny *because* it plays into her reputation for being self-obsessed.

you and Ariana Grande need to organize Wealthy Obnoxious Tiny Baby playtime ASAP

this is cool as fuck

One Day, Nanny’s Going to Go to the Great Farm Upstate Where She’ll Get to Roam With All the Other Middle-Class Women with Graduate Degrees in Child Development and Lots of Big Ulcers”

it ruins the battery. I only know this because once my phone was acting up and one of the dudes at the Genius Bar said keeping your phone plugged into a charger once it’s at 100% is bad for the battery longevity

Have we considered that maybe the patriarchy is poisoning us on purpose so we die around middle-age so that they can marry younger without having to pay for a divorce

I love the troll can we adopt him and make him a cute lil sub-bridge-style habitat in the corner and every once in a while he can angrily spout outrageously offensive things and we can giggle and clap our hands delightedly

thanks I had a big strong man think of the pun for me because try as I might the cleverest handle I could think of was “I love Justin Bieber hee hee”

monochrome probably, she goes minimalist when she’s pregnant as per Kanye’s (de)/(com)mand

bro do you even listen to Beyonce
