
Can I bitch? My dad loathes Barack Obama. I pressed him for his chief complaint about him. Here’s what he said: “He never talks about being a born-again Christian.”

I regret buying an obnoxiously expensive pair of shoes that hurt to much to wear.

We should just cut to the chase and outlaw regret.

A lot of women regret their first marriages. What then?

As a commenter above mentioned, the forced-birthers are taught that all abortions are gorey, messy, horrors, and rather than being exception, Gosnell was the rule. If you counter with facts like abortion being so much safer than giving birth, they dismiss it as junk science (which is ironic, because that’s exactly

So is the world, as they all line up to peer over the wall from Mexico at the smoldering crater where the United States used to be.

Even granting a woman feels regret over the termination of a pregnancy, it doesn’t necessarily follow that she made the wrong choice. She may, in some sense, be subject to bad constitutive moral luck or have been, so to speak, between a rock and a hard place, so that either bringing a fetus to term or aborting it will

You rang?

Have you ever been on the other side of an antichoice protest or attended a rally/meeting over abortion rights? The antichoice side always has a lot of women who, themselves, had abortions and now regret them (usually after finding Jesus, but for a variety of other reasons too). They always show up to protests and

I mean, what kind of woman isn’t constantly ready to drop everything and take up the joys of motherhood?

I really think they are forgetting that they’re supposed to be making fun of Warren for claiming to be Native American. And now they’re just straight up making fun of Native Americans. Right?

I wish I could star this more than once. And I hope the reason it only has one star (as of 4:09 p.m. EDT) is it was just posted five minutes ago.

Yes. Not only that their experiences are not universal, but that they don’t get to choose what other women regret. Life is full of choices and regrets- other people don’t get to make those decisions for you.

I imagine women’s regret over abortion is directly proportional to anti-abortion nutjobs doing everything in their power to guilt-trip women over abortion.

The Samantha Bee episode about TRAP laws was everything. When she asks them why they don’t want these same sorts of regulations for “birthing centers” and the idiots have no response, I practically come.

Yeah, this. The clinic I volunteer at is inundated with male protesters, but most of the women protesters who show up seem to have a personal story of regret motivating them. It would be really great if people could recognize their personal experiences are not universal.

It's almost like he doesn't care. As if, maybe, his entire life has been spent not worrying about the consequences of his actions.

Start by calling out all the ones who aren’t giving out free birth control to teens and college students and poor men and women and all the ones who don’t pour money into research on what causes miscarriages.

Donald is just looking for the best part from Two Corinthians to quote in his tweet. The best book, Two Corinthians, classy book, high energy. Acts, good guy but low energy, a loser. Romans, well that guy bleeds from his you know where. Sad!

Self-identified Evangelicals voted for him over apparently racist>pro-life>gay hating is the GOP primary voter issue.