The entire right thinks everything that exclusively caters to the GOP agenda is the only source of truth and credibility in the media.
The entire right thinks everything that exclusively caters to the GOP agenda is the only source of truth and credibility in the media.
Anne just always came off inauthentic to me, probably because she was trying so hard.
I don’t hate her, it just rubbed me the wrong way.
Funny how that works - I’ve had friends that interacted with other celebrities in private scenarios, and it’s always tainted my evaluation of them (Sara Bareilles, Katy Perry, etc.).
He also said he believes that 70-80% of Trump supporters would support his movement.
There’s a really great article about David Duke’s godson, who was like the “messiah” of the alt-right/white nationalist/racist movement. Basically, he revolted against the group he was indoctrinated into.
I can’t even have a rational discussion with my father. He buys into the Fox/Trump/Alex Jones/Bill O’reilly shit wholeheartedly. Same with my MIL.
Also, do you notice how news comment sections are largely populated by conservatives? I wonder where they find the time...
Exactly. My grandparents are wealthy - and they spew this line about “lazy people benefiting from papa’s hard work”. First off, my grandfather inherited the company and didn’t have to spend much time working his way up - thanks to my bad ass great-grandmother who ran that company in the early 1900s. And no one was…
Exactly. You also have to remember their beliefs are being fueled by the right-wing, both in media and their elected officials.
We should go deface it. Tear up those flowers and replace them with burning bags of shit.
Agreed. It sounds nice in theory, until you actually look at their policies. They’re running because it’s advantageous.
Why do third party candidates only pop up during the presidential election? Why don’t they have nationwide campaigns for state representatives/senators? Seems if they were serious they’d organize for…
I believe she/he is referring to the backlash against the first black president.
“How dare they? We’re good, honest, family-oriented, Christian, hard-working Americans!”
Of course. His/the GOP base is made up of demographics in decline. White men, mostly uneducated, and white evangelicals. White men are slowly losing majority, and white evangelicals are no longer the majority, they continue to lose members due to their stances. So they cling to those stances harder (logic!).
Did you also know that the sign commemorating the house/shop of one of the suspects (who admitted to his role) has a lovely flower bed underneath it? YEP.
And the fact that he said the “second amendment folks” should “do something”.
I’ve developed a real appreciation for Mark Cuban this year, solely for his Trump trolling.
HA HA HA!! How appropriate
I miss Seattle so badly. :(
Hey! North Idaho here. Lots of Trump/Pence shit as well as “Hillary for Prison” signs. I have to be smart in how I express my values, because there are a lot of hair-trigger hillbillies here (as the destination for the “American Redoubt” movement). I’ve been told that discrimination is ok if I’m a democrat, because…