
I admire her so much. The most qualified person for the presidency in our history.

Makes me crazy when the older, predominantly male folks call her “crooked”, all the while supporting the dude who has been involved in over 4000 lawsuits. Objectively, way more crooked.

Judge Kara should be a web series.

Yeah, the show is more of a time capsule as opposed to being something timeless that maintains a deeper relevance.

My friend made me watch the series when I was 20 (long after the series had ended). I’d never seen it.

I never understood why “female” was bad. I use it often (as a female).

Damn it.

Except he did rape her repeatedly. So it wasn’t even one “bad choice”, but a “bad choice” he repeated on multiple occasions. Would almost make one think that it wasn’t just a “mistake” or “bad choice” but a pathological habit.

I’m wondering how he’s going to get his court mandated therapy. Who’s going to pay for it? or drive him? I don’t suppose those funds will stretch to provide for the daughter.

If they do hero worship him, I’m wondering if it isn’t just the mom and grandma throwing the victim under the bus. Fuck those people.

I’m guessing also if he’d targeted one of his sons instead. THAT would get some punishment.

Even with loopholes, POC still get more severe sentences than that piece of shit, for far less harmful, heinous crimes.

That’s the part that made me rage the hardest. Her mother and maternal grandmother spoke up for the rapist, for their sons/grandsons, but they couldn’t be fucking bothered to stand up for their daughter/granddaughter. has a statement released by the judge, defending his decision following the uproar. He totally stands by it, too.

Absolutely. If ANYONE ever touched our kids? They wouldn’t make it to trial.

He looks like he’d make a great speed bump.

He just doesn’t give a shit about women, or little girls.

Yeah, I was half tempted to pull marriage records to find out who her shitty mother is.

That’s why Trump has such a strong following in certain key demographics - those who are afraid of losing privileges as the makeup of our country continues to change, but who won’t admit to having those privileges in the first place. And of course, “fear leads to anger”.

There was a major case in the Pacific Northwest, committed by a guy who had received therapy. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t fight it. Brutally murdered a family, kidnapped and repeatedly assaulted two children, murdered one of the the children in front of the other one, and basically

Yeah, that’s a lot to be depending on the objective analysis of on psychiatrist.