do the truffle shuffle

She does have a nice pout, but she’s not in the same league as Scarjo or Kerry Washington. But honestly, if I were to go in and ask for a celebrity’s lips, I would have to go with Tim Curry.

yeah because only black people have full lips, ‘insert eyeroll here.’

It takes a village.

She needs to be made out to be somehow responsible because she is famous, female, (and Black), I guess? Like, since she hasn’t called a press conference and denounced her brother as no longer her family (because that’s apparently the only proper reaction) that must mean she condones child rape. Or something like that.

Jezebel has posted about this story a few times, and I still fail to see how or why this is news. It’s her brother, not her. Let this be dealt with privately. I mean, for the sake of the victim at least.

Yes, not a joy, I prefer sleep.

That picture answered a question that’s been burning in the back of my mind for about ten years now.

Still don’t want kids, Francis.

Jeez, let’s hope it doesn’t hurt her career. Who knows, she may have been in the running to play Robert DeNiro’s wife in an upcoming movie.

Children are a wonderful gift from God and a joy for parents.

11 suicide attempts in one night. When it comes to politics and public policy, Canada gets a lot of love (especially from liberal progressive people from the United States), but our First Nations are treated atrociously. Women and young girls are raped, beaten, kidnapped, and murdered and the crimes aren’t

Please note that DeBeers continues to be a garbage company who are totally indifferent to the misery that their product brings to everyone involved in harvesting their overpriced baubles.

This is a direct result of the Stephen Harper government pretty much ignoring Native Affairs for years. I know people who have worked in northern communities and the conditions in some of them are not conditions you should see in a developed country, ever. We can do better Canada!

I’m glad he’s been fired, he went too far, but...

Make falsifying a report a felony. Flat out, non negotiable jail time for cops caught lying about incidents. It’s absolutely absurd that they know they can make shit up and just hope tapes don’t show up.

Man, that would have put quite the damper on my marijuana consumption.


The real story is in the background of that picture.

Watched. It’s crap like her that killed the show, but more so the incessant damned sob stories. Every single contestant had to have one. They couldn’t all be true, could they?

It's like she doesn't even understand who watches shows like American Idol.