truffle-shuffle BACK FROM THE DEAD

I don’t suck anyone’s dick if it’s a one night stand. Not that I have those anymore, the sex is never worth it. I find American women strangely cavalier about blow jobs and I find it so weird that so many men assume it’s a given even though I barely know them. One of those cultural things I guess but for me a blow job

That’s basically what i’m saying in my comment. I do think the university has a lot of work to do and I think the protesters are right. To a point. And you’re right, there has to be a dialogue and I think that’s what is happening. But they’re still whining because not all their demands are being met and because the

What does that have to do with what I said? I have no issue with equality and diversity. I take issue when the demands aren’t about achieving equality but about being prioritised. And I take issue with their attempts to stifle free speech and have people fired over nothing. You can make people feel included and valued


Of course they can speak up. That doesn’t mean that it’s mandatory to agree with everything they say and that if you don’t agree with everything they say, you’re a racist monster. My issue is with the demands that professors be fired for doing absolutely nothing that warrants firing, and with saying that it’s not

This. This is an academic, professional setting. Not feelings time.

They’re not asking to be treated as equals though. I wouldn’t have an issue with that but they’re saying that free speech doesn’t matter and that they want to be a priority. Not equal. A priority.


Shit, is this that same tomato asshole who goes by several names?

Her make up here is amazing, and has been for her last few appearances. She never could get the make up quite right before but this is great. I’m also loving the hair.

How is this an attempt to discredit your movement? They bought writings of an author (as universities do) and now an academic wants to study them and write about it. Like others pointed out, this has almost certainly been in the works for ages. There is no conspiracy.


So because you don’t agree with Greer, we should pretend she never existed or played an important role in feminism, she should be stricken from our collective memory and banned from academia or from having other academics study and publish her writings?

He trolled for a good cause though - pointing out how godamn ignorant people are and how willing they are to believe anything people post on social media and how social media is the new vehicle to exploit tragedy for attention/clicks/likes, masquerading as “solidarity”.

When else could he make the point? The point he is making only makes sense when it’s made at the time of an event like the Paris attacks so actually, you are mistaken and this is the “right” time.

Footnotes are a great idea. It lets you update and contextualise without altering and whitewashing.

How is “updating” a book by changing its content not whitewashing? It is the very definition of whitewashing. Kids aren’t stupid. They can handle an explanation.

Yes. And they didn’t stop the game to announce what was going on. Thus avoiding mass panic. And why wasn’t there cell phone reception? Probably because security jammed the signals as soon as they found out what went on. They do it at the UN when Obama is in the General Assembly. Block reception and no one can call,

I know. But it still applies because it was made in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack.

He is.