truffle-shuffle BACK FROM THE DEAD

Honestly, I also stop taking them seriously the minute they imply that the kids’ Thanksgiving show that, at worse, seems to be telling the mainstream story of Thanksgiving, is somehow preventing the school from being a “safe space” for all. He sounds like an insufferable wanker with way too much time on his hands.

She can’t win though. If she comes out and talks about it, you get whiny assholes saying that even if she’s paid less than men in hollywood, she’s still a rich white woman who makes millions and has no clue about the struggles of average everyday women and especially minority women. If she doesn’t want to get into the

She’s also British. Americans are very frank about discussing money. In other countries not so much. But, you know, God forbid Americans ever stop and think that maybe the rest of the world isn’t exactly like them.

I feel it might be a cultural thing. Americans are very open about talking about money. In other cultures and countries that’s considered a bit tacky and vulgar.

Girth. And juiciness.

Holy crap. That’s amazing.

Yeah, you’re not really “very much married” once your divorce case is in court. You’re still technically married but that marriage is over by that point so who gives a shit if he’s dating. But yeah I bet they started fucking when they were both still married married though, which is a bit more scandalous but also

Or it’s just some idiot basement dweller posting threats online. If we stayed in every time someone did that, no one would ever leave the house.

Name someone interesting who isn’t?

Why can’t it be both?

Yeah, I tend to agree. It would be one thing if this were some kind of original, experimental play and several actors were playing ‘King’ in the same way that several actors (including a woman!) played ‘Bob Dylan’ in “I’m not there”, which wasn’t a biopic but rather more of an exploration of Bob Dylan that was neither

THIS IS SO FUCKING UGLY. Not just the “sexy fireman” bullshit but the entire thing. Ugly, tacky, cheap looking bullshit. Everything looks like it’s made of highly flammable polyester that would set fire to your crotch just from walking in it. I don’t understand VS or the people who buy from there. Every pair of

Agreed. At the same time though, the university didn’t just cast a white guy to play King. They cast a white guy and a black guy, which makes it even more confusing. How does that work? Do they alternate performances, and depending on the night you go see the show, you don’t know if King will be black or white. Or do

He appointed two judges. Do you have reading comprehension issues or just bad faith ones?

Yeah, lots of issues with this drug. It just seems like the number of women it can actually help is very small. When I first read about it and read that it couldn’t be used for women who experience low libido because of anti-depressants (or other psychiatric meds), I remember wondering, well what’s the point then?


Wow, colour me shocked then.

Wow. So her response to racism is... xenophobia?

LOL and notice how Jezebel was silent about that? But if Iggy Azalea so much as farts, it’s all over the main page and everyone at Jez is calling her a racist... Oh, the irony.

Keepin’ it klassy, Azealia. Also, just typing her misspelt name makes me fucking angry. Say what you want about iggy Azalea, at least her name isn’t a spelling mistake.