truffle-shuffle BACK FROM THE DEAD

This. I completely disagree with her views on this however I think the petition to stop her from speaking is equally ridiculous and kudos to the university for not having any of it and standing their ground. Sure, some second-wavers may have outdated views but what I truly despise is this tendency in millennial

I don’t think she cares about what he did in the 80s. I think the problem was that it probably didn’t stop after they got married. And saying they split up because he banged the nanny is still (sadly) a more palatable story to most people than if it got out that he was bi and cheating on his wife with other dudes.

Maybe to reach a quick settlement, maybe to keep all of those nanny rumors under wraps.

Rape apologist? Is that what you call anyone who doesn’t join the angry mob calling for the rapist to be thrown to the lions without a trial?

It could be both. He could be slow but not a complete vegetable. He could have a disorder and be capable of premeditation.

If they cancel the game, the terrorists win.

I hope so.

There are two main methods for determining voluntary consent: “opt in” (only those who have given explicit consent are donors) and “opt out” (anyone who has not refused is a donor). Opt-out legislative systems dramatically increase effective rates of consent for donation (the so-called default effect).[4] For

Yeah it probably wouldn’t solve the issue but it would definitely improve the situation I think. Also, in case of people who did die unexpectedly there wouldn’t be any time lost by medical staff in contacting next of kin to find out if the person is a donor (which could compromise the organ) since the assumption would

Actually the easiest way to improve the wait list situation is to make organ donation mandatory upon death. People who don’t want to be donors for religious reasons would have the right to opt out of the system but the onus would be on them.

“why we spent two hours here in the first place—to listen to Aaron Sorkin’s characters talk to each other. And while, by all accounts, they don’t talk anything like the people on which they’re based, I loved listening.”

The “trend” is as ridiculous as the racist angle the writer is trying to spin about it.

Yes I am. Disgusting even, when it comes to sex.

I think that’s funny. But then I thought the zombie Bin Laden costume I saw someone wearing in Halloween of ‘01 was funny. I'm an awful person. At least on hallowe'en.

Um, the first photo is photoshopped. Very obviously photoshopped.

“But that’s your burden to bear, not mine. I ain’t gonna police nobodys sex life, thanks.”

“if you want to wait, then fine I support you”

Rest assured, if she grew up with a virginity fetish (because let’s face it, that’s all this crap is) and she’s moronic enough to buy into it and give her daddy her virginity certificate on her wedding day, she’s not expecting to enjoy sex, ever. It’s something she’ll do for her husband and because babies but deep