I hear Square Enix’s Chaos Rings series is supposed to be really good. But then again, I’ve only heard, never played.
I hear Square Enix’s Chaos Rings series is supposed to be really good. But then again, I’ve only heard, never played.
HELL YEAH!! I just finished rewatching it. *sniff* Yukki...
KID ICARUS UPRISING IS AMAZING. If you plan on going to the eShop, I’ll suggest Picross.
This comes straight from the FAQ on the website for this:
Now I need this with the Metroid Prime series. Especially Prime 2.
Hatune? I think we might be thinking of a different virtual idol.
Too bad the fight lasted only 30 seconds for me. Didn’t realize there was more to this until I watched Gregzilla’s Boss Themes video. SPEAKING OF APPROPRIATE VIDEOS RELATING TO THE CONVERSATION:
I see your Mario & Luigi and I raise you a Kid Icarus Uprising:
Here’s a quick a crudely photoshopped concept of all I want out of a Nintendo phone’s design. Just give that top screen touch capabilities and a swivel (like one of the two references added below) or a slide out similar to the PSP Go, change the positioning of the volume and 3D sliders (or make them digital like the…
I don’t know if this helps or anything, but they are selling it for $50.
I’ll take your word for it then. Please excuse my skepticism.
I don’t want to be that guy... but this looks fake to me. How would I be able to tell if this were a simple video layover in Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere vs the actual Doom game running within Doom? I went to the video and saw “GZDoom” but I have no clue as to what that is.
If you got a Wii before October 2011, it will work. For whatever reason, Wii consoles made after October 2011 removed all GameCube compatibility, including the controllers. I was playing Majora’s Mask with the Cube Controller when I got it off the Virtual Console.
For that, you could always get a Wii with the GCN controller ports and download Smash N64. BUT if what you are saying could be used for other games (Rouge Squadron!) then we’ll start talking.
Nintendo’s online store seems to have a lot of refurb deals but this new Wii U deal is pretty neat. $299.99 for the ZombiU Bundle with ZombiU, Nintendo Land and a Pro Controller included. The Pro Controller alone makes this bundle pretty enticing.
Nintendo’s online store seems to have a lot of refurb deals but this new Wii U deal is pretty neat. $299.99 for the…
I can’t think of a single other demo that has been majorly patched
LOOK OUT EVERYONE!!! Amiibo costumes unlocks are nearing dangerous levels of cute. (I don't have the picture or video atm. Go to nintendoeverything and look for it.)
How about yarn Yoshi with a Shy Guy Mask knitted on his nose?
I lost it and went into rage right at “Charlie Bit My Finger”. I kept saying under my breath “don’t do it, don’t do it” AND GODDAMMIT THEY DID IT. EVERYTHING feels incredibly force in this.
That GameCube lifting isn’t going to do anything for Reggie. Add the GameBoy Player and NOW we’re talking.