Odd that they would use a piece of original scored music twice - as opposed to a commercial release - but perhaps it just sounds really similar and it was scored by the same team...?
Odd that they would use a piece of original scored music twice - as opposed to a commercial release - but perhaps it just sounds really similar and it was scored by the same team...?
The likelihood that these are actually water tight is very very low.
If someone has to resort to using FaceBook to contact me - I don't want them having my number in the first place.
"These $15 Vino2Go wine glasses look like sophisticated stemwear"
I doubt they have to. There are entire agencies already within the US intelligence complex which sniff and contextualize every piece of communication that goes around the world whether email, phone, text, social networks, - hell even fax. They don't have to be "on the list" to get the email ifyouknowhwatimean.
Me too! Who uses vibrate?
Ditch your phone and get a pre-paid burn phone from a convenience store or cell kiosk like every drug dealer in the world does. Not a tough situation to resolve.
If #29's house is all messed up because of the hurricane - he can totally come and stay with me.
I think I love you.
Please stop contributing to making "phablet" a word.
It's Apple. Gift from Apple. Wtf did you expect? Gift baskets with coffee and chocolates? This shouldn't be a surprise.
60" flatscreen. 2x27" iMacs.
"We need this to go viral. And viral is free, right?"
Great for boarding passes. That's all I've used it for.
Totally serious - I thought it came out months ago.
The iPad and iPad mini are for 2 different purposes. One's a tablet made to dive into media, be a good web surfing device, and pseudo replacement for a laptop for people who want to do that. The mini ostensibly competes in the Kindle market as an e-reader + other stuff. Hardly Apple's downfall.
Storms (or any natural disaster for that matter) are caused when certain conditions are out of balance, and they will run their course until those conditions are back in balance. This storm is being fed by multiple sources, none of which would be stopped, slowed down, or exacerbated by a nuclear blast. It would…
There's a better solution than trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't post on their own networks - you can shut the fuck up about it and stop reading their Instagram feed or don't follow them on facebook etc. Much better solution and you won't look like a whiny bitch.
I actually think it works well for Ebay.
The ability to do this has been around for some time now. Benjamin Buttons, Captain America etc - the VFX teams used automated tracking to make changes to those sequences as well. It's not done frame by frame.