
Congrats for selling an iPhone4 with dents and a broken screen. Incidentally, who was the galactic moron who paid that much for a device in such poor condition?

I love that the graphics have people being tossed around about 30ft above the surface of the "tarp" surface below. That's awesome and deadly at the same time haha.

So Lance was a doper. That means he's a douche, not the charity that raised millions. A better use for this anger would be towards that cunt Wyclef Jean's Yele Haiti which essentially spent all the money it raised to finance Wyclef's lifestyle. LiveStrong did good things.

Exactly. I'm in Canada and in our province, you can work at 12 years of age. Admittedly the job market here makes it almost impossible for low end employers like fast food services etc attract any employees. It's a bit unsettling though to go through a drive-up window and a little tiny hand passes you your coffee.

I know right? "a set of private agreements between major ISPs and major rightsholders"

That little chance of fire would keep me glued to the live feed. Could you imagine?

My god I couldn't agree more. It's worse than Comic Sans.

The "like" count is in no way interesting OR informative. If that was just for brand pages or the old style "fan" pages - it would be relevant. When some shitstain 12 year old posts that his teacher has big tits and 38 of his shitstain friends "like" the post - there's zero data to extrapolate from that. Making

If people are so concerned with followers their updates - they should just go to Twitter. That's all Twitter is.

Kim Ping Pong?

Being bothered that other people put cases on their phones is pretty stupid. If you don't want one then don't have one, but to be annoyed that other people do is really childish and self aggrandizing.

Fantastic. Hah!

I like him regardless but Pilkington and Merchant certainly bring a ton to the table.

As with anything, this may appeal to some and be horrible for others. Personally, I've had the "new" (to me) unified Safari search/address bar since upgrading to Mountain Lion and the muscle memory for me is still to open new tab+press TAB to get to search and it still annoys me that I can't get in the habit of not

Hah! Glorious.

Fair enough. I was careful to hide my lack of electrical engineering knowledge in my "somehow adapted" comment haha. Good point.

Watches have been doing this for some time - would be amazing to see the same concept somehow adapted to a phone.

Ewww FYI the one you posted above who would "suck some dick for it" is like 10 years old. Nice screening of those tweets.

No problems

Agreed. This was pretty lame.