
All music, movies, TV series and documentaries etc are stored on a Mac Mini with output to a 60" flatscreen and stereo system. Other screens are connected to other Minis or AppleTV. PLEX on iPhones and iPads serve up anything on any screen or combo of screens. Music is shared on all devices with iTunes and iTunes

I'm not sure what happened to parents actually being responsible for their children and their behaviour. It gobsmacks me that parents can sue for their own kid drinking poison. I dunno, how about put it somewhere where they can't get it?

This is a stupid idea. The other hand is in far more danger of being cut because of less control by the hand holding this "thing". Horrible, stupid, senseless design.

I need to relax? You're the one freaking out over it. I made a comment. Take a deep breath.

Not sure if I would categorize a single sentence response as "caring so much" but whatever. I just think they look ridiculous.

lol what a bunch of fucking idiots.

Any guy who wears skinny jeans deserves to have his genitals ripped off by his phone.

The kerning is horrifying.

That was an expensive video to produce - I can't see any benefit in shelling out the cash for a fake product.

Comparing an iPhone to CocaCola is unfair. The CocaCola of 1985 isn't too far off what CocaCola is now. A cell phone in 1985 may as well be a fax machine strapped to your head like a boom box. Coca Cola isn't going to have major competitors in its own niche (Cola) jump into its market multiple times a year. The

Yeah I don't get that either.... Who wants to watch a movie or TV show on a phone? Lame. Linked youtube videos in texts etc, the odd flipboard embedded video etc - that's about it. Watching video content is what iPads and AirPlay to bigscreens is for.

How else are women going to keep track of their menses and what shoes they want to buy?

Agreed! But for some reason - "jumping on a grenade" sounds way better than "jumping on an asteroid" but maybe it can still become a thing.

Given the modest size of the sleeve - that thing may well double for an Asian fleshlight.

This has been known for YEARS. Quite the scoop, Giz.

I'm assuming the steel cut oats are too thick and don't soften up enough by this process alone.

A buddy of mine was texting a few people and flipping back and forth between conversations. He sent an identifiable dick pic to his Dad.

The RIAA can fuck right off. What a disgusting state of affairs when sharing songs gets you a quarter million dollar judgement that can't be sloughed off by bankruptcy but if you run someone over you can probably get away with it.

Thank you. HORRIFIC idea.

Although it doesn't bother me at all, I've always found the leather trim to be puzzling and very "not Apple".