
This is so honest and awesome. What a great way to handle these situations.

This is major? Yawn.

Couldn't agree more! The title was worthless click bait. Or dick bait I suppose.

There's an insane number of these in Alberta.

Why are you watermarking photos that don't belong to you??

So is your comment.

I would like to thank you for not featuring that spectacular, yet tragic and heartbreaking dash cam vid of the SUV on a highway losing control (while admittedly driving without due caution) and being decimated by an oncoming semi. I've seen it attributed to both Siberian highways and also the infamously dangerous

We had one of these for a couple months. At first, we were drawn to the design of it and the fact that it just seemed awesomely cool. While I'm sure tons of people are thrilled with theirs, we returned ours. It very randomly wouldn't heat to a certain temperature or cool to one. The air conditioner would click on

I want that Miele linen iron/folder. We entertain a lot and yes we have many many sets of linen napkins. This would rock. Whereas I think the $6 for 4 marshmallows is batshit insane, this napkin machine is fucking extraordinary.

Yes I too would like to know more about this.

I didn't get the impression that this piece was sensationalizing the drag racing aspect at all. However, I will say that most times when you hear of a vehicle that has been wrapped around a pole, and exploded/burned so quickly and fiercely that the occupants have to be identified through dental records - the first

While I liked what the author said about "That's why, at a company party, you never have a roast where the CEO is roasting the janitor" (it is in fact a great illustration of how generally jokes only work "upwards") - in the context and comparison he used it, the implication is that white people making any form of

Very well crafted response. Thanks for posting that.

Bruce Jenner is a handsome woman. Sort of reminds me of Janet Reno.

Western Canadian here. I was at an Oil and Gas event recently where Halliburton had a camo tent set up where they were giving everyone steamed lobster, crabs, and an open bar plus swag bag - and all the Halliburton people inside were dressed up like Al Qaeda terrorists. It was awesome.

I want to do disgusting things to him. He may be a complete douchebag but holy fuck is he ever hot.

Jesus Christ.

Doesn't yield any actual returns for me either. Plus I think the fade to the tape spinning and back kinda kills the thing of the thing.

I'm wondering why the Surface hasn't experienced big sales simply because of the PC market. I bought an iPad (2 so far actually) because my entire entertainment/work/mobile equipment is completely Apple - so everything talks to each other. I can AirPlay to 5 different flatscreens, control my home theatre etc with

I wonder if the licensing structure is different when it's score instead of existing release.....