As a non-American, I’ve always thought Obama is one of the best things that’s happened to America for some time, and in a way it’s a shame he can’t serve any more terms as President.
As a non-American, I’ve always thought Obama is one of the best things that’s happened to America for some time, and in a way it’s a shame he can’t serve any more terms as President.
On Friday, South Carolina Senator and Rev. Clementa Pinckney was memorialized in a packed auditorium at the College…
So how commonly do men take their partner’s last name? Has that gone up? Either way I’m keeping my last name, but if/when I someday get married it would be really interesting and kind of cool if my partner wanted to take my last name.
The New York Times’ data blog, The Upshot, has found that more and more women are keeping their names after…
You really don’t get it, and you probably never will.
Yeah it is a fight. If none of that happened and the LGBT community kept themselves to themselves and remained quiet, then there is a very good chance that they would not have gained the right to marry in their home states.
This is open theocracy by a political party that has completely sold out to the religious right, and it cannot and should not survive a court challenge as it’s so blatantly unconstitutional it’s not even funny.
Since today was a monumental day for gay rights in America, it’s only fitting that we share this science image,…
You’re wrong and a bigot. Fuck off and join your brothers in the dustbin of history.
So are scientists going to be required to be consulted for religious decisions?
You know what’s stupid about the legal folks who are like “I don’t like the method - this should have been enacted by popular vote” ?
It’s hard for me to be joyous right now because I’m honestly kind of sad thinking of all the gay couples who paved the way for this as the earliest activists but died before this day finally came. It’s depressing and a little angering for me, because this has come way, way too late. (My dads died in 2009 and 2011 and…
Just wanna say congrats to all in the LGBT community. Everyone put up a helluva fight and finally my gay Skyrim character’s marriage is accepted nationwide.
All quiet on the Christian front on my Facebook news feed. So far relatives, church people from my childhood and devout from my Christian school have been either absent on the SCOTUS ruling or posting about other events (most notably the Donald Trump racist statements since they’re all Latin@s, as am I).
One of my Facebook acquaintances pulled the old “yeah, but marriage is inherently unequal, so we should abolish it.” Just be happy for people, okay?
being from the south, my facebook feed is the opposite, and i’m over here losing my shit posting all these great things and trolling the shit out of them. yesterday i was trolling the confederate flag, today marriage equality.
My FB is all rainbows and happiness, except one dude whose post is so vague and confusing that I had to ask what he meant. Waiting for clarification now, so ready with comebacks/smackdowns.
I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.
I’m waiting for my most conservative facebook friend to post about this, I cannot wait to reassure him that marriage equality will have no effect on his divorce 4 years ago.
My grandmother sent out the most amazing email just gushing about how happy she was that the U.S. got it right this week and upheld Obamacare AND NOW EVERYONE IS EXTENDED MARRIAGE EQUALITY (Caps emphasis hers.) She sent this email to EVERYONE she knows. I’ve never been prouder to be her granddaughter. She’s awesome.