Cara Delevingne, whose first leading role will be in the upcoming Paper Towns, talked about sexuality and same-sex…
Cara Delevingne, whose first leading role will be in the upcoming Paper Towns, talked about sexuality and same-sex…
I have really mixed feelings about Taylor Swift. On the one hand, she seems really great to her fans and to the people that work for her. On the other hand, she can also be really childish and petty (especially when it comes to people poking fun at her) and I *hate* they way she acts like it’s sexist to criticize her…
I agree. Love her, love her music, loved her in concert, love that she has a dry sense of humor, love that she’s something my growing-up-too-fast-for-my-liking daughter and I can still share...but this Instagram business with her is getting tiresome. “We’re just having fun jumping around open mouthed, making cupcakes,…
Like ... Rihanna doesn’t map out every minute of her fun for her followers to consume. Because she’s too busy being the literal coolest.
Adultosaur might end our friendship over this, but I just really can’t stand T. Swift’s overly-curated Insta-life. And I say this as someone who loves her music and also her cats.
What if they refused to make the cake because they were black? Or because they were Jewish? Should they be allowed to refuse to serve them when they “don’t want to?” What if they didn’t want to sell cookies to women in short dresses because that’s against their “religion” too?
You’re against discrimination but you’re also against forcing people not to discriminate? What are you advocating for? Quietly waiting for bigots to become nice on their own?
I disagree. High fines are meant to act as a deterrent. If it was just a few grand, it wouldn't accomplish that. Now other businesses will think twice before engaging in discriminatory practices.
I’ve begun to notice that a lot of people railing against this ruling seem to have a fucked up mental picture of a “gay wedding cake” being covered in Gay Pride flags and dicks/vaginas and stuff.
And the political right creates a false equivalence between literally every law. “Oh, I can’t punch this homeless guy, but he can sit on the sidewalk all he wants?”
For any who think this is a First Amendment issue:
Every one? No. Just the ones that bring their bigotry to people trying to go about the normal course of their lives.
Why do you care more about upsetting these people than discrimination?? If these people don't want to serve everyone, they are free to go into a different line of work. It's pretty simple.
Operating a business in the public sphere means you agree to comply with anti-discrimination laws. Nobody forced the business owners to do that.
No. 1 seed Serena Williams squeaked by unranked Heather Watson 6-2. 4-6, 7-5 in the third round of Wimbledon on…
The differences in dogma mean nothing to me. In practical terms, the only mildly good thing I find in it is that it allows, in fact requires, marriage for priests (not so for monks). On every other issue I find it beyond patriarchal and anti-woman, and, worst of all, violently pro-state-power. Oh, did I mention its…
There is. But there is no Putin in charge of it. The Orthodoxy-Putin machine is only getting started, and I expect the worst.
I present you Eastern Orthodoxy. As an unwilling baptisee, I hate this religion more than any other. And it’s muscular and it’s allied with the state.
Sonia Manzano, the Puerto Rican actress who has brought to life the character of Maria on PBS’s Sesame Street since…